


Which of the following couples is most likely to experience the highest egalitarian division of household duties?

A) Justin, a professor, and Lesley, who works out of the home doing data entry
B) Dana, a stay-at-home mom, and Stefan, a cab driver
C) Omar, a dentist, and Huma, a front-desk receptionist
D) Jason, a computer programmer, and Melanie, a policy analyst

On May 16, 2024



According to researchers and family clinicians,parents can lessen some of divorce's negative effects if they talk about their feelings because doing so sets the stage for open communication between parents and children.

On May 14, 2024



Compare and contrast the biological and sociological theories of homosexuality.What does each theory say,and how do the explanations differ?

On May 13, 2024

The biological theory of homosexuality suggests that sexual orientation is determined by genetic, hormonal, and/or neurological factors. This theory posits that individuals are born with a predisposition towards same-sex attraction, and that it is not a choice or a result of environmental influences. Biological explanations often focus on the role of genetics, prenatal hormone exposure, and brain structure in shaping sexual orientation.

On the other hand, the sociological theory of homosexuality emphasizes the role of social and cultural factors in shaping sexual orientation. This theory suggests that societal norms, family dynamics, peer influences, and cultural attitudes towards sexuality all play a significant role in the development of sexual orientation. Sociological explanations often focus on the impact of socialization, gender roles, and societal expectations on an individual's sexual identity.

The main difference between these two theories lies in their emphasis on different factors in explaining homosexuality. While the biological theory focuses on innate biological factors, the sociological theory emphasizes the influence of social and cultural forces. Additionally, the biological theory suggests that sexual orientation is largely predetermined, while the sociological theory suggests that it is shaped by social and cultural influences. Overall, these theories offer different perspectives on the origins of homosexuality, with one focusing on biological determinants and the other on social and cultural influences.


What term refers to the process that takes place when a distinct group of people moves from one area to another and another group moves into the old area to replace the first group?

A) ecological differentiation
B) differentiation
C) competition
D) differential organization
E) ecological succession

On May 12, 2024



_____ holds that our interactions are determined by the rewards or punishments that we receive from others.

A) Functionalism
B) Symbolic interactionism
C) Social exchange theory
D) Conflict theory

On May 10, 2024