Fernanda Gutierrez




migrant workers

On Jul 28, 2024

Migrant workers are individuals who move from one region or country to another in search of employment opportunities. They have played a significant role in various historical events and periods. In the United States, migrant workers have been essential to the agricultural industry, particularly during the early to mid-20th century. Many migrant workers, often from Mexico, traveled to the U.S. to work in fields and farms, contributing to the country's food production. Their labor was crucial to the economy but often came with poor working conditions and low wages. This led to the rise of labor rights movements and organizations advocating for better treatment and fair wages for migrant workers. The historical significance of migrant workers lies in their contribution to the economy and their role in shaping labor rights and immigration policies. Their experiences have also shed light on the challenges and injustices faced by marginalized laborers.


What did Andrew Johnson focus on with his Reconstruction plan?

A) issuing presidential pardons
B) building railroads in the South
C) securing the individual rights of African-Americans
D) creating a biracial government
E) limiting immigration

On Jul 26, 2024



Which of the following advantages did the Whigs enjoy in the 1840 presidential campaign?

A) They were seeking to re-elect an incumbent.
B) Harrison was a spellbinding orator who insisted on running an issue-oriented campaign.
C) They had put together a huge majority of registered voters.
D) They could blame the nation's economic problems on their opponents.

On Jun 27, 2024



When the Virginia House of Burgesses decreed that religious conversion did not release a slave from bondage

A) every other colonial assembly followed suit.
B) Governor William Berkeley vetoed the measure, which led to Bacon's Rebellion.
C) it meant that, under Virginia law, Christians could own other Christians.
D) mass protests followed.
E) slaves quit attending church.

On Jun 26, 2024



Why were the Indians sympathetic to the British during the War of 1812?

A) They believed the British had a moral and political right to the Northwest Territory.
B) Indians were sure the British would win because they had the better army.
C) They hoped a British victory would keep the Americans from expanding westward.
D) An alliance with the British would give the Indians international recognition as a sovereign nation.

On May 27, 2024



In his Atlanta speech of 1895, Booker T. Washington

A) called for political equality.
B) encouraged blacks to adjust to segregation.
C) opposed vocational education for blacks.
D) fought against segregation.
E) continued the abolitionist political tradition.

On May 26, 2024



Under the Constitution of the United States, who has primary responsibility for the conduct of foreign affairs?

A) The president of the United States
B) The Senate of the United States
C) The secretary of state
D) The Speaker of the House of Representatives

On May 25, 2024



A seventeenth-century colonial woman who believed she was cheated out of money would have the best chance of having her case heard if she lived in

A) New Amsterdam.
B) Mexico City.
C) Jamestown.
D) Quebec.
E) Santa Fe.

On May 23, 2024