


Describe three ethical problems that may arise from organizational change activities.

On Jul 07, 2024

The textbook identifies four ethical problems in organizational change.Any three of those can be discussed here.
Management power.One ethical problem is that organizational change interventions increase management's power.Many interventions create uncertainty and re-establish management's position in directing the organization.
Individual privacy rights.Some organizational change activities may threaten the individual's privacy rights.Action research collects information from employees, some of which they may not want to divulge.Sensitivity training may threaten individual privacy rights because employees are asked to publicly disclose their personal beliefs and experiences.
Individual self-esteem.Some organizational change activities may undermine the individual's self-esteem.The unfreezing process requires participants to disconfirm their existing beliefs, sometimes including their own competence at certain tasks or interpersonal relations.Sensitivity training and intergroup mirroring may involve direct exposure to personal critique by colleagues as well as public disclosure of one's personal limitations and faults.
Cultural values of participants.One significant concern with some organizational change interventions is that they originate in the U.S.and other Western countries and may conflict with cultural values in some other countries.For example, Western perspective of change is linear, such as in Lewin's force field model.This perspective also assumes that the change process is punctuated by tension and overt conflict.But these assumptions are incompatible with cultures that view change as a natural cyclical process with harmony and equilibrium as the objectives.


On April 30 of the current year,Ashley contributes a building with a $155,000 basis and a $235,000 FMV in exchange for a partnership interest.She purchased the building eight years ago.
a.What is Ashley's basis in her partnership interest?
b.What is Ashley's holding period of her partnership interest?
c.What is the basis of the building in the hands of the partnership?
d.What is the holding period of the building in the hands of the partnership?
e.How will the partnership depreciate the building in the year of contribution?

On Jul 02, 2024

a.The same as her basis in the building - $155,000.
b.The partnership interest has an eight-year holding period - the same as the building in the hands of the partner.
c.$155,000 - carryover basis.
d.8 years - the same as in the hands of the partner.
e.The partnership steps into the shoes of the partner - 8th year of the depreciation life.


The present value index is computed using which of the following formulas?

A) Amount to Be Invested/Average Rate of Return
B) Total Present Value of Net Cash Flow/Amount to Be Invested
C) Total Present Value of Net Cash Flow/Average Rate of Return
D) Amount to Be Invested/Total Present Value of Net Cash Flow

On Jun 07, 2024



The competency (trait) perspective of leadership:

A) is one of the most recently studied perspectives of leadership.
B) is no longer accepted as an approach to understanding leadership in organizations.
C) takes a contingency approach by identifying the best leadership competencies under different conditions.
D) is both 'A' and 'C'.
E) is none of the above

On Jun 02, 2024



All direct materials are placed in process at the beginning of production and the first-in, first-out method of inventory costing is used. The total cost of the departmental work in process inventory at the end of the period (round unit cost calculations to four decimal places is

A) $16,163
B) $21,432
C) $35,670
D) $28,935

On May 08, 2024



Which country listed here had the highest deficit as a percent of GDP in 2009?

A) Japan
B) The United States
C) Italy
D) Great Britain

On May 03, 2024



One of the shortcomings associated with job analysis in dynamic work environments is the potential for obsolete data to be used for a variety of human resource decisions.What proactive steps would you recommend to an organization facing this issue?

A) Update job descriptions systematically.
B) Stop conducting job analysis.
C) Contract out most of your human resource functions.
D) Allow each manager in the organization to create actual job descriptions.

On May 02, 2024