


In estimating the difference between two population means, the following summary statistics were found: In estimating the difference between two population means, the following summary statistics were found:           and   Based on these results, the point estimate of   is .70. In estimating the difference between two population means, the following summary statistics were found:           and   Based on these results, the point estimate of   is .70. In estimating the difference between two population means, the following summary statistics were found:           and   Based on these results, the point estimate of   is .70. In estimating the difference between two population means, the following summary statistics were found:           and   Based on these results, the point estimate of   is .70. In estimating the difference between two population means, the following summary statistics were found:           and   Based on these results, the point estimate of   is .70. and In estimating the difference between two population means, the following summary statistics were found:           and   Based on these results, the point estimate of   is .70. Based on these results, the point estimate of In estimating the difference between two population means, the following summary statistics were found:           and   Based on these results, the point estimate of   is .70. is .70.

On Jul 14, 2024



A company manager wishes to test a union leader's claim that absences occur on the different week days with the same frequencies.He compiled the following data.  Day  Mon  Tue  Wed  Thur  Fri  Absences 3715122343\begin{array} { c | c c c c c } \text { Day } & \text { Mon } & \text { Tue } & \text { Wed } & \text { Thur } & \text { Fri } \\\hline \text { Absences } & 37 & 15 & 12 & 23 & 43\end{array} Day  Absences  Mon 37 Tue 15 Wed 12 Thur 23 Fri 43 Test statistic: χ2 = 28.308
P-value = 0.0000108

On Jul 12, 2024

We reject the null hypothesis that absences occur on the different week days with the same frequencies.The standardized residuals are given by [2.157−2.157−2.746−0.5883.33]\left[ \begin{array} { l l l l l } 2.157 & - 2.157 & - 2.746 & - 0.588 & 3.33 ]\end{array} \right.[2.1572.1572.7460.5883.33] . The largest residual is for the absences on Friday.This positive value,3.33,indicates that more absences occurred on Friday than predicted by the null hypothesis of uniform distribution.Similarly,but less dramatically,there were more absences than expected on Monday.There are large negative residuals for Tuesday and Wednesday,indicating that there were fewer absences than expected on these days.The manager might conclude that workers are more likely to use their sick or personal days on Monday or Friday when they can have a three-day weekend.


When a population is small,it is necessary to include the ____________________ factor in our hypothesis tests and confidence interval estimators for p.

On Jun 14, 2024

finite population correction


{Tractor Dealership Narrative} Why should the finite population correction factor (FPCF)be used for this problem? Explain.

On Jun 12, 2024

Because the population is less than 20 times the sample size (N = 925 < 20n = 2,000)the FPCF must be used in calculating the standard error of estimate of the mean.


Laurel borrowed some money from Hardy 42 months ago. The loan principal plus interest at 17% compounded annually is to be repaid today. Laurel and Hardy agree that the total amount due is $31,618. How much did Laurel borrow from Hardy 42 months ago?

A) $10,618.49
B) $13,367.12
C) $18,250.88
D) $23,157.32
E) $49,868.89

On May 14, 2024



As the sample size increases and other factors are the same, the width of a confidence interval for a population mean tends to decrease.

On May 13, 2024



Those who engage in estimation insist on random sampling, rather than convenience sampling or judgment sampling, because random sampling:

A) avoids the errors inherent in matched-pairs sampling
B) avoids the errors inherent in work sampling
C) avoids the errors inherent in voluntary response sampling
D) eliminates the systematic error or bias that arises in nonrandom sampling
E) achieves all of these

On May 11, 2024