Francisco, Ma. Sophia Ester P. CPUSN




A woman who was responsible to be the peacemaker growing up and who serves the same role in her husband's family,suddenly finds herself angry and combative.This is an example of __________________________.

A) a complex
B) enantiodromia
C) a personality type
D) a crazy person

On Jun 19, 2024



When a narrative counselor wants to separate the problem,such as depression,from the person,they might ask a question such as:

A) What is it like for you to be a depressed person?
B) How has Depression affected your life?
C) In what ways are you depressed?
D) How often are you depressed?

On Jun 18, 2024



Which of the following statements best describes closing phase client goals?

A) Closing phase goals address issues of safety, welfare, and support.
B) Closing phase goals address the issue of moving of the client toward greater "health" as defined by the client.
C) Closing phase goals address more global issues and moving the client toward greater health.
D) Closing phase goals address more global issues and assess client experience in therapy and the willingness to return to therapy in the future.

On May 28, 2024



In order to become culturally competent, social workers need to do all of the following, except

A) become aware of culture and its pervasive influence.
B) recognize their own ethnocentricity.
C) draw upon their own life experiences.
D) adapt social work skills and intervention approaches accordingly.

On May 26, 2024



What is the primary vehicle for change in Gestalt counseling?

A) the person of the counselor
B) the interventions
C) the theory
D) the client

On May 25, 2024



​Tony, a teenager, is unhappy in his group home. Sam, a social worker, approaches him to sort out the issues that are making him unhappy. Sam asks Tony, "Do you think you have tried all the possible ways by which you can make this placement work?" This question by Sam is an example of a:

A) ​stacked question.
B) ​leading question.
C) ​premature advice.
D) ​judgment.

On May 20, 2024



Describe how stacking questions is a common verbal barrier to communication faced by beginning social workers.

On May 19, 2024

Answers may vary. In exploring problems, social workers should use facilitative questions that assist clients in revealing detailed information about specific problem areas. Asking multiple questions at the same time, or stacking questions, diffuses the focus and confuses clients. Stacking questions is a problem frequently encountered by beginning social workers, who may feel an urgent need to help clients by providing many options all at one time. Rather than focus on one question, clients often respond superficially and nonspecifically to the social worker's multiple inquiries, omitting important information in the process. Stacked questions thus have "low yield" and are unproductive and inefficient in gathering relevant information. Slowing down and asking one question at a time is preferable. If a social worker has asked stacked questions and the client hesitates in response, the social worker can correct the problem by repeating the preferred question.


The term _____ is defined as the incorporation of available research evidence into practice efforts.​

A) ​practice-informed research
B) ​consultation
C) ​evidence-based practice
D) ​mediation

On May 18, 2024