


Property rights are protected by

A) taxes and subsidies.
B) bargaining and negotiation.
C) injunctions and liability rules.
D) rivalry and excludability.

On Jul 12, 2024



The Pillsbury Bake-Off contest currently requires entrants to submit their recipes via an online form at the company website.What is one way Pillsbury could use YouTube to easily increase consumer interaction for the contest?

A) Announce the contest on Facebook with multiple,animated posts.
B) Require entrants to upload one how-to recipe for subscriber voting.
C) Launch a multi-platform,two-month long contest with weekly entries.
D) Exploit Snapchat's expiring content feature share the contest rules once per week.

On Jul 10, 2024



What are the requirements of all linear programming problems?

On Jun 12, 2024

Linear programming problems require (1) maximization or minimization of an objective function, (2) the presence of restrictions (constraints), (3) alternative courses of action to choose from, and (4) the objective and constraints expressed in linear equations or inequalities.


The State of Louisiana and the Province of Quebec both base their non-criminal laws on the French Civil Code.

On Jun 10, 2024



In 2009 the Supreme Court of Canada decided two cases that recognized public interest responsible journalism as a new defence to the tort of defamation. Discuss some of the factors that courts might consider in applying this defence.

On May 12, 2024

In Grant v. Torstar Corp., and Cusson v. Quan the SCC adopted 10 factors from the House of Lords decision in Reynolds v. Times Newspapers Ltd., Factors include: seriousness of the allegation; the nature of the information and public concern; the source and steps taken to verify; the status of the information and the urgency of the matter; was the plaintiff's side told and were they able to comment; and finally the timing of the story.


Use the following statements to answer this question: I. Markets may be highly (but not perfectly) competitive even if there are a few sellers.
II) There is no simple indicator that tells us when markets are highly competitive.

A) I and II are true
B) I is true and II is false
C) I is false and II is true
D) I and II are false

On May 11, 2024