


Refer to Figure 7.1. This corn producer earns a total revenue of $900. Each bushel of corn is sold for $5. This corn producer must be selling ________ bushels of corn.

A) 180
B) 450
C) 900
D) 4,500

On Jul 21, 2024



Companies HD and LD have the same tax rate,sales,total assets,and basic earning power.Both companies have positive net incomes.Company HD has a higher debt ratio and,therefore,a higher interest expense.Which of the following statements is correct?

A) Company HD has a lower equity multiplier than Company LD.
B) Company HD has more net income than Company LD.
C) Company HD pays more in taxes than Company LD.
D) Company HD has a lower times-interest-earned (TIE) ratio than Company LD.

On Jul 20, 2024



When a bank loan is repaid the supply of money

A) is constant,but its composition will have changed.
B) is decreased.
C) is increased.
D) may either increase or decrease.

On Jun 21, 2024



Explain how risk, certainty and uncertainty influence the decisions that managers make.

On Jun 20, 2024

Managers make decisions under certain, risk and uncertain environments. Certain environments offer complete information on possible action alternatives and their consequences. Very few managerial problems occur in certain environments. A risk environment lacks complete information, but offers 'probabilities' of the likely outcomes for possible action alternatives. Entrepreneurs and organisations generally depend on ideas and continued innovation for their success to overcome the risk environment. An uncertain environment lacks so much information that is difficult to assign probabilities to the likely outcomes of alternatives. At higher management levels, the conditions of uncertainty and risk are greater as the problems are more complex and unstructured. Therefore, managers at this level have to use creativity and use novel and unique ways of solving problems. Students should further discuss these concepts using examples from organisations.


Internal control systems are subject to limitations that usually arise from either (1)human error or human fraud,or (2)the cost-benefit principle.

On May 22, 2024



​The level of an economic activity should be increased to the point where the ____.

A) ​Marginal cost=0
B) Marginal revenue=0
C) Total revenue = Total cost
D) ​Marginal revenue - marginal cost=0

On May 21, 2024