Grace Tiofanny Simanjuntak




The text identifies several criteria for evaluating socially responsible corporate behaviour. A company is meeting its __________ when it operates within the law and according to the requirements of various external regulations.

A) ethical responsibility
B) discretionary responsibility
C) legal responsibility
D) stakeholder responsibility
E) economic responsibility

On Jul 21, 2024



When is the ideal time for employee safety training to commence?

A) before returning to work after an accident or injury
B) immediately after an accident or injury
C) with new employee orientation
D) after receiving the first paycheque

On Jul 18, 2024



A binding price floor may not help all sellers, but it does not hurt any sellers.

On Jun 21, 2024



Used Car Problems.Marcy purchased a used car from ABC Motors.Six months later,the police seized the car from Marcy because it was a stolen vehicle.Marcy asked for her money back from ABC Motors.The manager there told her that the car was not stolen; that even if it were stolen,ABC Motors acted in good faith with no knowledge of a theft; therefore,no refund was legally required.ABC Motors had also sold a used car to Frank,who wrote a bad check for the car and left town but not before he sold the car to Betty,who paid a fair price for the car believing that Frank had all rights to sell it.ABC Motors asked Betty to return the car,but she told ABC to forget it.Assuming that ABC Motors was an innocent purchaser from the thief,which of the following is true regarding the manager's statement that Marcy is not due a refund?

A) The manager is correct,but only if ABC Motors can prove that it had never been charged with dealing in stolen merchandise.
B) The manager is correct,but only if ABC Motors can prove that none of its representatives were negligent in disregarding evidence of the theft at any time prior to its resale to Marcy.
C) The manager is correct.
D) The manager is incorrect,but only if Marcy can prove that she specifically asked if there was any problem with the car prior to her purchase and was affirmatively told that the title was good.
E) The manager is incorrect.

On Jun 18, 2024



The United States is the only country in the world with minimum-wage laws.

On May 22, 2024



Keynesian economists (as opposed to monetarist economists) argue that

A) the economy will quickly return to equilibrium via natural forces.
B) the government should use macro policy to keep the economy from getting too far from full employment equilibrium.
C) monetary policy should be used according to strict rules.
D) Keynesian economists argue all of these statements.

On May 19, 2024