


Dre has paranoid delusions in which he believes all people with glasses are spying on him;he also hears voices telling him that he should hurt himself in order keep the spies away.Dre,who was diagnosed with schizophrenia,is demonstrating

A) positive symptoms.
B) catatonia.
C) selective attention.
D) negative symptoms.

On Jul 31, 2024



The buildup of fluid pressure inside the eyeball is the main feature of ______.

A) cataracts
B) myopia
C) glaucoma
D) blindness

On Jul 29, 2024



A man gets screened for colon cancer.This is an example of ______.

A) health promotion
B) primary prevention
C) secondary prevention
D) tertiary prevention

On Jul 01, 2024



In which form of learning do children come to engage in a behavior because of its effects?

A) Classical conditioning
B) Operant conditioning
C) Active learning
D) Passive learning

On Jun 29, 2024



Your roommate drives you crazy because every morning she hits the snooze button on her alarm clock three times before she gets out of bed.
A) Describe the two types of reinforcement and the two types of punishment.Explain how they influence the likelihood of a behavior occurring later.
B) Give an example of each type of reinforcement and punishment.
C) Choose one type of reinforcement and one type of punishment and explain how you could use them to modify your roommate's annoying behavior.

On Jun 01, 2024

A) Positive reinforcement is the addition of a stimulus that increases the likelihood of a behavior reoccurring.Negative reinforcement is the removal of a stimulus that increases the likelihood of a behavior reoccurring.Positive punishment is the addition of a stimulus that decreases the likelihood of a behavior reoccurring.Negative punishment is the removal of a stimulus that decreases the likelihood of a behavior reoccurring.
B) Some examples include the following:
Positive reinforcement-giving a piece of candy,complimenting someone,getting paid
Negative reinforcement-taking medicine for a headache,leaving home early to avoid traffic,drying wet hands,turning off your alarm clock
Positive punishment-jail sentence,time-outs for children,getting a ticket for speeding,spanking,a dog biting you when it does not like the way you are petting it
Negative punishment-losing your driver's license,taking away a teenager's cell phone,not allowing a child to watch his or her favorite TV show
C) Some examples include the following:
Positive reinforcement-buying the roommate coffee if she gets out of bed when the alarm first rings
Negative reinforcement-excuse the roommate from doing her chores for the apartment if she gets out of bed when her alarm first rings
Positive punishment-after the roommate hits the snooze button three times,get up and start playing loud music to wake her up
Negative punishment-hiding the roommate's alarm clock so that she does not wake up on time and misses an exam


Children too young to speak have not learned the words that we use to index much of our explicit memory.This most clearly helps to explain the occurrence of

A) mood-congruent memory.
B) long-term potentiation.
C) flashbulb memory.
D) infantile amnesia.

On May 30, 2024