


When the Federal Reserve began paying interest on excess reserves,the effect on monetary policy was

A) making open market operations less effective.
B) adding a new tool to monetary policy.
C) reducing the effect of a change in reserve requirements.
D) eliminated the need for the Federal Funds Market.

On Jul 19, 2024



Assume that price underestimates the value that society places on the flu vaccine. If firms produce where P = MC, firms will be producing

A) the socially efficient amount of flu vaccine.
B) more than the socially efficient amount of flu vaccine
C) less than the socially efficient amount of flu vaccine.
D) so that consumer surplus is zero.

On Jul 18, 2024



Marginal resource cost refers to the:

A) increase in total revenue resulting from the sale of the extra output of one more worker.
B) price at which additional units of a resource can be hired in an imperfectly competitive resource market.
C) increase in total cost resulting from the production of one more unit of output.
D) amount by which a firm's total resource cost increases as the result of hiring one more unit of the resource.

On Jun 19, 2024



Transferor's warranties and presenter's warranties are implied warranties imposed only on those who sign an instrument.

On Jun 18, 2024



Matrix, considering opening a restaurant in Smallville and has located a prime vacant land location that is for sale.Matrix wants to do some market research and obtain financing for construction before purchasing the land,but is concerned that a competitor,Zion,Inc. ,will purchase the land if Matrix does not act immediately.What legal steps should Matrix take,short of purchasing the land now,to prevent Zion from acting before them? Explain.

On May 20, 2024

Matrix should obtain an option contract on the land to hold open the offer for the time that is long enough to do their market research and obtain financing.An option contract has an offer as its subject matter.


Any conspiracy that has a substantial effect on U.S. commerce is within the scope of the Sherman Act, unless it occurs outside the United States.

On May 19, 2024
