


Which of the following is considered to be a severe obstacle to economic growth for DVCs?

A) low trade barriers
B) large international debts
C) an increase in the rate of saving
D) a slowing of population growth

On Jul 29, 2024



Which of the following would not shift the demand curve for beef?

A) a widely publicized study that indicates beef consumption increases one's cholesterol
B) a reduction in the price of cattle feed
C) an effective advertising campaign by pork producers
D) a change in the incomes of beef consumers

On Jul 29, 2024



Hair Stylist Woes.Maryann went to see her hair stylist,Candy.Maryann,who had black,curly hair,requested straight,blond hair.Candy told her that she could make that change,but there would be significant upkeep involved.Candy made the change,but Maryann did not do the upkeep required.She also falsely claimed that Candy did not do what Maryann asked her to do,that Candy lied to her,and that Candy was professionally incompetent.Maryann made the statements to friends of hers.She also wrote an editorial in her college newspaper to the effect that Candy's shop should be avoided at all costs because Candy was incompetent.In fact,Candy was a good hair stylist and enjoyed a good reputation up until the time that Maryann started her criticism.Candy threatened to sue Maryann for defamation,but Maryann told Candy that Candy could not prevail because Candy could not prove loss of income.Candy had to admit that while her reputation had been damaged somewhat,the damage was primarily among the college population.Her income kept increasing from other segments of the community,and she had suffered no net loss.As far as the editorial is concerned,which of the following is true in regards to Maryann's statement that Candy cannot recover because she cannot show loss of income?

A) Maryann is correct.
B) Maryann is correct only if she can establish that she did not intend to cause economic loss to Candy.
C) Maryann is incorrect because her actions would be considered liable per se.
D) Maryann is incorrect because general damages would be presumed.
E) Maryann is incorrect because Candy has proven special damages.

On Jul 28, 2024



When an organization successfully implements a CSR campaign in an emerging market that fosters a supportive business climate leading to a reduction in unemployment,what is one of the key results for the emerging market?

A) global recognition
B) increased competition for jobs
C) increased economic opportunity
D) happier citizens

On Jun 29, 2024



Briefly identify and explain the two new ideas in motivation that have emerged in the past decade.

On Jun 28, 2024

Answers will vary. Two new ideas in motivation have emerged in the past decade. One centers on eustress, strength, and hope. A second new idea centers on positive energy and full engagement. Eustress is healthy, normal stress. Stress is the energy we experience when confronted with challenging or difficult situation. Such situations can produce distress, a negative response such as frustration or fear, which leads to unhealthy and unproductive results, or eustress, a positive response to challenges that generates energy and motivates an individual to achieve. Eustress leads us to invest in strengths, find meaning in work, display courage and principled action, and draw on positive emotions at work. The second new concept in motivation, Jim Loehr's full engagement idea, uses lessons learned from professional athletes. The central tenets are that an individual should manage energy rather than time and should strategically disengage from certain activities to balance the power of full engagement. Please see the section "Two New Ideas in Motivation" for more information.


A consumer learns not to perform responses that lead to:

A) negative reinforcement.
B) punishment.
C) extinction.
D) wearout.

On May 30, 2024



In a monopolistically competitive industry with zero profits, each firm will produce less than the amount that minimizes average costs.

On May 29, 2024
