


Which of the following is true of American women's role in political life in the 1790s?

A) The Constitution of 1787 expressly excluded women from voting.
B) Women were not counted in determining congressional representation.
C) The stirrings of women's political consciousness broadened the democratization of public life.
D) By 1799, women had gained the right to vote in four New England states and in Pennsylvania.
E) There were several women-only Democratic-Republican Parties in the larger cities.

On Jul 13, 2024



What caused Americans to change their minds about supporting the French Revolution?

A) They didn't think the French could win the war.
B) Supporting the French would jeopardize their relationship with Great Britain.
C) The Revolution took a violent turn.
D) The revolutionists did not want equal rights for all men.

On Jul 11, 2024



When John Kennedy first took office as President, his top priority was _________________.

A) reducing defense spending
B) civil rights
C) fighting the Cold War
D) cutting taxes

On Jun 13, 2024



Which of the following statements about the four-day riot in New York City in 1863 is LEAST accurate?

A) The riot led to the destruction of many homes and business in the city's black neighborhoods.
B) Reports suggested that the rioters consisted largely of Irish immigrants.
C) The immediate trigger for the riot was the public pronouncement of the Emancipation Proclamation.
D) The riot revealed that many white northerners resented fighting a war to gain freedom for black slaves.

On Jun 10, 2024



Which of the following statements accurately describes the allegiance of Native American tribes during the War for Independence?

A) Tribes living east the Mississippi River exclusively supported the Americans, while tribes in the West exclusively supported the British.
B) The tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy all agreed to support the Americans and doubled the size of the American army.
C) Tribes individually decided which side to support based on which they believed more likely to support their own ideas of freedom.
D) Most tribes successfully maintained neutrality throughout the conflict and, thus, were able to protect their towns.
E) The Cherokees exclusively supported the British and ensured that they followed the traditional rules of warfare.

On Jun 09, 2024