


What is the meaning of triadic reciprocal causation of social cognitive theory and what are the main components of social cognitive theory?

On Jul 26, 2024

According to SCT, human behaviour can best be explained through a system of triadic reciprocal causation in which personal factors and environmental factors work together and interact to influence people's behaviour.In addition, people's behaviour can also influence personal factors and the environment.SCT involves three key components: observational learning, self-efficacy beliefs, and self-regulation.


Which of the below rules allows that an acceptance is valid when it is placed in the mailbox?

A) The Acceptance Rule
B) The Contract Rule
C) The Reasonable Rule
D) The Mailbox Rule
E) The Contract Legality Rule

On Jun 29, 2024



Tyler used a bulleted list on his résumé to describe his previous job duties. Which of the following items from his list does not demonstrate parallel structure?

A) Performed inspections of plant equipment, including boilers, condensers, and chillers
B) Troubleshooting of plant's chemical equipment
C) Performed load calculations for plant equipment
D) Wrote analytical reports detailing system performance

On Jun 26, 2024



Karen's performance appraisal provided almost identical results when six different managers evaluated her performance.Which conclusion could you make about the performance appraisal process experienced by Karen?

A) It appears to be reliable; however,no conclusions can be made about its validity.
B) It appears to be reliable; hence,is it also valid.
C) Issues of central tendency need to be addressed.
D) It appears to be a very effective process.

On May 29, 2024



Which of the following is an equitable doctrine that protects those who foreseeably and reasonably rely on the promises of others by enforcing such promises when enforcement is necessary to avoid injustice,even though one or more of the elements normally required for an enforceable agreement is absent?

A) Promissory estoppel
B) Quasi-contract
C) Freedom of contract
D) Implied in law contract

On May 26, 2024