


What is the importance of benefits as a part of employee compensation?

On Jul 25, 2024

Benefits contribute to attracting, retaining, and motivating employees. The variety of possible benefits also helps employers tailor their compensation to the kinds of employees they need. Different employees look for different types of benefits. Employers need to examine their benefits package regularly to see whether they meet the needs of today. At the same time, benefits packages are more complex than pay structures, so benefits are harder for employees to understand and appreciate. Even if employers spend large sums on benefits, if employees do not understand how to use them or why they are valuable, the cost of the benefits will be largely wasted. Employers need to communicate effectively so that the benefits succeed in motivating employees.


The questions in the continuous-yes close should be:

A) open-ended to assess the prospect's needs.
B) designed to generate negative responses.
C) included in a brief product questionnaire.
D) based on the weakness of the competition.
E) based on benefits of the specific product.

On Jul 25, 2024



Explain the graphical shapes used in decision tree analysis.

On Jul 24, 2024

A decision node from which one or several alternatives may be selected is represented by a square; a state of nature node out of which states of nature will occur is represented by a circle.


You have read that in JIT and lean production the optimum lot size is one, with some exceptions for packaging and physical limitations. If a product currently has a lot size of 25, what must happen to setup time for the lot size to truly fall to one? Data for this problem are D= 100 units, S = $75 based on setup time of 50 minutes at $1.50 per minute, and H = $40 per unit per year.

On Jun 25, 2024

Students may try ever smaller values for S, and find S = $0.12 by trial and error. Or they may solve the economic production quantity model for S, which also yields $0.12. Or they may recognize that the reduction in Q by a factor of 25 requires a reduction in S by that factor squared; in this case $75 / (25x25) = 0.12.


Which of the following needs to be considered after the purpose of a performance appraisal system has been established and the system has been linked to organizational objectives?

A) transforming organizational objectives into measurable outcomes
B) setting performance targets
C) establishing a forward-looking strategic partnership between management and employees
D) including measures of employee satisfaction
E) using a balanced scorecard to assess the performance of the overall organization

On Jun 24, 2024



A quality circle is a small team of persons who meet periodically to discuss and make proposals for ways to improve quality.

On May 26, 2024



Which of the following is the most desirable quick ratio?

A) 1.20
B) 1.00
C) 0.95
D) 0.50

On May 25, 2024