


Under Nikita Khrushchev,Soviet foreign policy in the Third World followed what aim?

A) acquiring raw materials to rebuild Soviet industry
B) finding markets in which to sell goods produced in the Soviet Union
C) finding military bases to deter the United States
D) acquiring immigrant labor to work in Soviet industry
E) detaching countries from the direct influence of the United States

On Aug 05, 2024



Martin Luther belonged to which religious order?

A) Dominicans
B) Benedictines
C) Franciscans
D) Augustinians
E) Jesuits

On Jul 08, 2024



Which of the following was one of President Carter's responses to the 1979 Soviet intervention in Afghanistan?

A) He approved the sale of AWACS planes to the People's Republic of China.
B) He diverted shipments of grain from Russia to the rebels in Afghanistan.
C) He broke off diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.
D) He withdrew a major arms control treaty from Senate consideration.

On Jul 05, 2024



Discuss President Johnson's Great Society program. What were its accomplishments? What were its failings?

On Jun 06, 2024

President Johnson's Great Society program was a set of domestic policies and legislation aimed at eliminating poverty and racial injustice in the United States. The program was launched in the 1960s and included initiatives such as the War on Poverty, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Civil Rights Act.

One of the major accomplishments of the Great Society program was the significant reduction in poverty rates. The War on Poverty initiatives, such as the creation of food stamps and Head Start, helped lift millions of Americans out of poverty. Additionally, the establishment of Medicare and Medicaid provided access to healthcare for millions of elderly and low-income individuals.

The Civil Rights Act, which was part of the Great Society program, outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and ended segregation in public places. This was a major step forward in the fight for racial equality and justice in the United States.

However, the Great Society program also had its failings. Some critics argue that the expansion of welfare programs created a culture of dependency and did not effectively address the root causes of poverty. Additionally, the program faced opposition from conservative politicians and some segments of the population, leading to challenges in its implementation and sustainability.

Overall, President Johnson's Great Society program made significant strides in addressing poverty and racial injustice in the United States, but it also faced criticism and challenges in its effectiveness and long-term impact.


Which of these general statements about Indians is most accurate?

A) Indians recognized early in the process of colonization that the colonists would overcome them.
B) Indians agreed that the colonists had the right to settle in America and acquire land ownership.
C) When it suited their purposes, Indians sometimes joined forces with the colonists against other tribes.
D) No Indians ever agreed to confine themselves to a reservation.

On Jun 04, 2024



Which of the following was a consequence of the battles of Elkhorn Tavern and Honey Springs, Arkansas?

A) Confederate forces gained control of the Arkansas River, giving them a water route into the Western territories.
B) After suffering defeat at the hands of a powerful alliance of Indian tribes, Union forces withdrew from the region.
C) Union forces lost control over the portion of the Mississippi River that marked the boundary between Arkansas and Tennessee.
D) The Confederacy lost control of the region, and its operations in Indian Territory were reduced to guerrilla raids.

On Jun 03, 2024



Who was appointed as a co-chair of President Clinton's health-care task force?

A) First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton
B) Vice President Al Gore
C) Secretary of Labor Alexis Herman
D) Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop

On May 31, 2024



Which of the following ideas does J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur express in Letters from an American Farmer?

A) America as a Christian nation first and foremost
B) America as a nation defined by unsettled, uncultivated land
C) America as a melting pot for various ethnicities
D) America as a place that emphasized nobility, where the "streets are paved with gold"
E) America as a country of Englishmen who all shared the same motives

On May 06, 2024



Both North Carolina and South Carolina had Regulator movements.

On May 04, 2024



Which of the following led directly to the creation of the Republican Party in the 1790s?

A) the creation of the Bank of the United States
B) speculators profiting from the sales of government bonds
C) Shays's Rebellion
D) the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions
E) Jay's Treaty

On May 02, 2024