


What is an affirmation?

A) A positive, validating message
B) A form of punishment
C) A form of indirect communication
D) A way to affirm dislike for another person

On Jul 27, 2024



Squirrel cage induction motors are sometimes referred to as ____ speed motors.

A) constant
B) rotor
C) electric
D) coil

On Jul 19, 2024



According to Nietzsche, because our own natures are both individual and transpersonal, we need

A) to go beyond art in attaining direct contact with reality.
B) both Apollonian and Dionysian art.
C) Dionysian art alone.
D) both Apollonian and Dionysian art

On Jul 18, 2024



Students whose families are engaged in their education are more likely to have positive attitudes about school and have fewer behavior problems.

On Jul 16, 2024



Schools can require compliance with all school policies and instructional activities even if they violate some students' religious beliefs.

On Jul 14, 2024



Why did Microsoft have trouble promoting its search engine in China?

On Jun 24, 2024

Microsoft faced several challenges in promoting its search engine, Bing, in China, which can be attributed to a combination of regulatory, competitive, and cultural factors:

1. **Government Regulations and Censorship**: The Chinese government imposes strict regulations and censorship on internet content, which requires search engines to filter out prohibited content. Complying with these regulations can be difficult for foreign companies, and failure to do so can result in penalties or even a ban from operating in the country. Microsoft had to ensure that Bing adhered to these censorship rules, which may have affected user experience and the perception of the search engine.

2. **Competition with Local Giants**: China has its own well-established tech giants, such as Baidu, which is the leading search engine in China. Baidu is deeply integrated into the Chinese internet ecosystem and is tailored to the preferences and behaviors of Chinese users. Competing with such a dominant local player is challenging for any foreign company, including Microsoft.

3. **Language and Cultural Barriers**: Understanding the nuances of language and local culture is crucial for the success of any search engine. Microsoft had to invest in localizing Bing to ensure it provided relevant search results that resonated with Chinese users. This required significant resources and expertise in the Chinese language and culture.

4. **User Habits and Preferences**: Chinese internet users have developed specific habits and preferences that are catered to by local services. Changing these habits is a significant challenge. Users might have been less inclined to switch to Bing if they were already accustomed to the services provided by Baidu or other local search engines.

5. **Market Entry Timing**: Microsoft entered the Chinese market when Baidu and other local services were already well-established. Being a latecomer meant that Bing had to work much harder to gain market share from loyal users of existing services.

6. **Cybersecurity Concerns**: There have been instances where foreign technology companies have faced suspicion and scrutiny regarding data privacy and cybersecurity. This can lead to distrust among users and reluctance to use foreign services like Bing.

7. **Limited Services and Features**: Bing might not have offered as many localized services and features as its Chinese counterparts, which could have made it less attractive to users who were looking for a comprehensive and integrated online experience.

8. **Governmental Relationships**: Building a good relationship with the Chinese government is essential for business success in China. Microsoft, like other foreign companies, may have faced challenges in navigating the political landscape and establishing the necessary relationships to promote Bing effectively.

In summary, Microsoft's difficulties in promoting Bing in China were multifaceted, involving regulatory hurdles, intense competition from established local players, cultural and language differences, user preferences, and political complexities. Despite these challenges, Microsoft has continued to operate Bing in China, albeit with a significantly smaller market share compared to local competitors.


It is a good idea for the test administrator to have a script to follow during a usability test.

On Jun 19, 2024



What are some proactive things schools and communities can do to increase family resilience as well as preventive measures to protect children from abuse ever happening?

On Jun 16, 2024

Collaboration is a key element in working with the family and engaging the community.Many schools have "crisis" or "care" teams that consist of faculty members identified to provide resources and support for children in difficult situations.A care team may include the school counselor,a psychologist,a social worker,a school nurse,an administrator,and teachers.These teams can connect families with available community resources.Form an alliance with families to focus on their strengths and existing competencies.All families,even those that aren't functioning well,have strengths or the potential for strengths.Build relationships and working to improve the situation for the child.


A relatively small number of people generate most of the content found online.

On Jun 14, 2024



In regard to online participation, what is the 1% rule?

A) A rule that says for every person not creating content, there are 99 who are.
B) A rule that says for every person who creates content, there are 99 who do not.
C) Only one percent of content online is created by a group of 99 people.
D) The percentage of all content available online that the average person sees is 1%.

On Jun 13, 2024