


How and why would people seek to cultivate anger? Explain with an example.

On Jul 18, 2024

People seem to seek out emotions partly on the basis of what will be useful and helpful in their social interactions. This desire to be effective competes with the desire to feel good, of course. Many strategies of emotion regulation are simply aimed at the goal of getting out of a bad mood or into a good one.
Sometimes people even seek to cultivate anger. People in one study preferred to listen to angry music rather than other types of music when they expected a social interaction that would require confrontation and assertion. (In contrast, participants anticipating a cooperative or constructive social interaction chose other types of music.)Thus, people seemed to anticipate that anger might be a useful emotion in the upcoming interaction, so they chose stimuli to help them get and stay mad. What's more, it worked! The angrier participants performed better in the confrontational situation.


Who believed that if therapists can get people to change what they say to themselves,they can improve their psychological functioning?

A) Sigmund Freud
B) Carl Rogers
C) Aaron Beck
D) B.F.Skinner

On Jul 14, 2024



In classical conditioning, one must pair the _______ before conditioning can occur.

A) UCS and CR
B) UCS and CS
C) CR and CS
D) UCR and CR

On Jun 18, 2024



How does a person with narcissistic personality disorder differ from a young person who thinks highly of themselves and posts selfies online?

On Jun 14, 2024

A person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) differs from a young person who thinks highly of themselves and posts selfies online in several key ways. NPD is a diagnosable mental health condition characterized by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. Here are some distinctions:

1. **Clinical Diagnosis**: NPD is a disorder diagnosed by mental health professionals based on specific criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). It's not just about self-confidence or vanity; it's a recognized psychological condition that affects various aspects of an individual's life and relationships.

2. **Pervasive Patterns**: While a young person may exhibit self-focused behavior primarily on social media, individuals with NPD display patterns of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy across many contexts of their lives, not just online.

3. **Intensity and Consistency**: A young person might post selfies and appear self-absorbed, but this behavior is often situational and may not reflect their behavior in other settings. In contrast, the behaviors associated with NPD are consistent and intense, affecting the person's interactions at work, home, and in social settings.

4. **Empathy**: One of the hallmarks of NPD is a significant lack of empathy. Individuals with NPD often struggle to recognize or respond to the feelings and needs of others. A young person who enjoys sharing selfies may still be capable of empathy and understanding towards others.

5. **Relationships**: People with NPD often have tumultuous relationships due to their manipulative, exploitative, and often abusive behavior. In contrast, a young person who is confident and enjoys sharing their life online may still maintain healthy and reciprocal relationships.

6. **Self-Esteem**: Despite their apparent high self-regard, individuals with NPD often have very fragile self-esteem and are highly sensitive to criticism. A young person who posts selfies may have a more stable sense of self-worth and be less affected by others' opinions.

7. **Functioning**: NPD can lead to significant impairments in personal, social, and occupational functioning. A young person with high self-esteem who posts selfies may not experience such impairments and is often able to function well in various aspects of life.

It's important to note that posting selfies and seeking validation online can be a normal part of contemporary social interaction, especially for younger individuals. It does not necessarily indicate a personality disorder. NPD is a complex condition that goes beyond surface-level behaviors and requires a comprehensive evaluation by a mental health professional for diagnosis.


A mother's contribution to an offspring's two sex chromosomes is ________ chromosome and a father's contribution to an offspring's two sex chromosomes is ________ chromosome.

A) a Y;either an X or a Y
B) either an X or a Y;an X
C) an X;either an X or a Y
D) either an X or a Y;a Y

On May 16, 2024



According to Freud,what defence mechanism is being used when an individual copes with stressful situations by trying to atone for unacceptable desires or behaviours

A)  intellectualization 
B)  undoing 
C)  overcompensation 
D)  fantasy

On May 13, 2024