


It is certain that the equilibrium price will fall when:

A) the supply curve and the demand curve both shift to the right.
B) the supply curve shifts to the right and the demand curve shifts to the left.
C) supply and demand both increase.
D) supply decreases and demand stays the same.

On Jun 20, 2024



In highly technical or extremely routine situations, the human resources department may be given functional authority, allowing them to make decisions usually made by line managers or top management.

On Jun 20, 2024



Patterns in the data that occur every several years are called circuits.

On Jun 19, 2024



Which of the following is the correct flow of manufacturing costs?

A) raw materials, work in process, finished goods, cost of goods sold
B) raw materials, finished goods, cost of goods sold, work in process
C) work in process, finished goods, raw materials, cost of goods sold
D) cost of goods sold, raw materials, work in process, finished goods

On May 21, 2024



What element is missing from the traditional communications model?

On May 20, 2024

Although the traditional communications model is not entirely wrong, it does not tell the whole story-especially in today's dynamic world of interactivity in which consumers have many more choices available to them and greater control over which messages they will choose to process. In fact, a popular strategy known as permission marketing is based on the idea that a marketer will be much more successful trying to persuade consumers who have opted into their messages; consumers who "opt out" of listening to the message probably weren't good prospects in the first place.
On the other hand, those who say they are interested in learning more are likely to be receptive to marketing communications they have already chosen to see or hear. As the permission marketing concept reminds us, we don't have to just sit there and take it. We have a voice in deciding which messages we choose to see and when-and we are exercising that option more and more. Social media offers us additional ways to give marketers permission to communicate with us. By following a company on Twitter or "liking" a brand on Facebook, the consumer is allowing the company to interact with them. Social media allows for an active, two-way communication between the brand and the consumer.