


The National War Labor Board was instrumental in institutionalizing and legitimating unions in the United States because it provided a legal forum that recognized the role of unions in representing worker needs.

On Jul 25, 2024



Mass extinctions

A) are the result of humans damaging the natural environment.
B) are the result of humans exploiting wildlife and using pesticides.
C) occurred in cycles when organisms fail to evolve.
D) have occurred about 4 or 5 times in fossil record.
E) require life to evolve again from protocells.

On Jul 21, 2024



Based on Anderson and Johnson's conclusions regarding the evolution of tongue length in long-tongued flies, which of the following would be expected?

A) A study demonstrates that in populations with shorter tongues, other nectar sources have very long nectar tubes.
B) A behavioral study demonstrates that flies in populations with shorter average tongue lengths spend more time visiting other flowers than visiting Zaluzianskya flowers.
C) A study of available flowers in the population with the longest average tongue length reveals that no other nectar sources besides Zaluzianskya are available.
D) a and c
E) b and c

On Jun 24, 2024



contractile ring​

A) formed from lengthening microtubules
B) a band of actin and motor proteins that forms under the plasma membrane during anaphase
C) disk-shaped structure that forms and partitions descendant cells during cytokinesis in a plant cell
D) location at which spindle microtubules assemble and bind to chromosomes
E) in a dividing animal cell, the indentation where cytoplasmic division will occur

On Jun 21, 2024



Chemical signals that cause long-term responses in the receiver are most specifically called ____.

A) tactile signals
B) signal pheromones
C) priming pheromones
D) communication signals
E) acoustical signals

On Jun 17, 2024



Explain the major difference between substrate-level phosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation.

On May 23, 2024

Concepts to Consider: During substrate-level phosphorylation, phosphate is transferred from a phosphorylated intermediate to ADP. In oxidative phosphorylation, energy from redox reactions is used to add a free phosphate to ADP.


The prisoner's dilemma describes

A) the decision faced by aphids taken captive by slave-making ants over whether to escape or to cooperate with the ants.
B) a model of decisions regarding defection or cooperation with another individual.
C) reproductive decisions faced by animals at the edge of their species' range regarding whether to hybridize with another species or continue searching for a member of their own.
D) "buyer's remorse" by a member of a mated pair, wishing to choose a different mate but facing the high costs of searching.

On May 19, 2024



Which of the following are ciliated cells?

A) Columnar cells of upper respiratory tract
B) Sperm cells
C) Columnar cells of small intestine
D) Red blood cells
E) Macrophage (large, mobile white blood cell)

On May 16, 2024