


Statement I: There are no valid arguments for even temporary protection against imports.
Statement II: Most recent American presidents have been ardent free traders.

A) Statement I is true and statement II is false.
B) Statement II is true and statement I is false.
C) Both statements are true.
D) Both statements are false.

On Jul 17, 2024



In accounting,a ledger is a time-ordered list of accounting transactions.

On Jul 17, 2024



A firm selling food should have higher inventory turnover rate than a firm selling office furniture.

On Jun 17, 2024



Why is a guaranty contract similar to a suretyship contract?

A) Both a guarantor and a surety join the principal in making a promise.
B) Both a surety and a guarantor are primarily liable for the performance of another's debt.
C) Both a guarantor and a surety are secondarily liable for the performance of another's debt.
D) Both a guarantor and a surety agree to answer for the obligations of a debtor.

On Jun 16, 2024



Which of the following is true regarding whether an agent's signature may satisfy the signature requirement for negotiability?

A) An agent's signature on behalf of his or her principal binds the principal and satisfies the signature requirement for negotiability.
B) An agent's signature on behalf of his or her principal cannot bind the principal and does not satisfy the signature requirement for negotiability.
C) An agent's signature on behalf of his or her principal binds the principal and satisfies the signature requirement for negotiability,but only if specific written authorization from the principal allowing the agent to act on the subject transaction is attached to the document.
D) An agent's signature on behalf of his or her principal binds the principal and satisfies the signature requirement for negotiability,but only if the instrument is for an amount over $1,000.
E) An agent's signature on behalf of his or her principal binds the principal and satisfies the signature requirement for negotiability,but only if the instrument is for an amount of $1,000 or less.

On May 18, 2024



For a business conducting an HRM audit, what is an important customer satisfaction measure in assessing the success of training programs conducted by HR?

A) the percentage of employees participating in training programs per job family
B) the percentage of employees receiving tuition refunds
C) per capita (average) merit increases
D) training dollars per employee
E) the quality of introduction or orientation programs

On May 17, 2024