


Which of the following entities does NOT belong to the TMX Group?

A) Toronto Stock Exchange
B) ICE Futures Canada
C) Montreal Exchange
D) TSX Venture Exchange

On May 03, 2024



Dynamic hedging is

A) the volatility level for the stock that the option price implies.
B) the continued updating of the hedge ratio as time passes.
C) the percentage change in the stock call-option price divided by the percentage change in the stock price.
D) the sensitivity of the delta to the stock price.

On May 02, 2024



Why is cable TV reception regarded as a club good?

On May 01, 2024

Cable TV reception is excludable, because the supplier can prevent the signal from being received by any particular customer. Cable TV reception is not rival in consumption, because one customer's reception of programming does not reduce the ability of other customers to receive the programming.


After winning a lottery, Janice consulted Len, a stockbroker and accountant, about how to invest the huge sum she had won. In their discussion she mentioned that her brother, Steve, would probably ask her for the information and advice she received from Len. "Even though he won as much as I did," she said, "he's too cheap to pay for the help we both know we need, so I better make some notes." Among other things, Len advised Janice to buy shares in a company just before it bought heavily into retail stores in the U.S.A. and became overextended. Janice didn't act on that piece of advice, but Steve did.
a. Discuss whether Steve can bring a suit against Len.
b. If Steve can bring a suit, is he likely to succeed?

On Apr 29, 2024

a. Since Len was aware, from what Janice said, that Steve would probably be relying on whatever advice he gave Janice, Steve would be able to bring a suit against Len for professional negligence even though he is not Len's client.
b. If Len's advice met the standards of a reasonable stockbroker-if, for example, it was based on the proper kind of research-then he is not liable for Steve's losses. Len does not have to be perfect; he need only act in accordance with the standards expected in his business. He can be wrong without incurring liability.


Which of the following statements is true about the UCC and the CISG?

A) Only the UCC provides guidance in international litigation.
B) The CISG requirements for the statute of frauds are more lenient than those under the UCC.
C) Only the UCC covers offer and acceptance.
D) The CISG requirements for the statute of frauds are the same as those under the UCC.
E) The UCC preempts the CISG because all states have adopted the UCC in some form.

On Apr 28, 2024



Identify the statement that accurately characterizes behavioral approaches to performance measurement.

A) They link the company's goals to the specific behavior required to achieve those goals.
B) They work well for complex jobs.
C) They provide little feedback on areas of improvement.
D) They have a low degree of validity and reliability.
E) They have a low degree of acceptability.

On Apr 27, 2024