


A nurse is caring for a patient in Buck's traction on bed rest for a fracture of the femur.Which action should the nurse take to help preserve skin integrity?

A) Provide meticulous skin care.
B) Use pain medication to prevent excessive movement.
C) Limit range of joint motion so the patient is not disturbed.
D) Reduce the amount of protein intake so renal function can be preserved.

On Jul 20, 2024



Mrs.Marcs brings her 7-month-old son,Dylan,to the clinic for a checkup.She has started offering solid foods to him as previously discussed with the nurse.Dylan is tolerating rice cereal,apple sauce,and other fruits.Which food should the nurse recommend to be introduced next?

A) Strained beef
B) Squash
C) Green beans
D) Strained chicken

On Jul 12, 2024



Ordered: heparin infusion 1200 units per hour
Available: heparin 25,000 units in 1000 mL NS solution
How many hours and minutes will the infusion last?
A)DA equation:
B)Evaluation: IV flow rate the nurse should set on the infusion pump:
C)DA equation:

On Jun 15, 2024

a. a.    b.Equation is balanced.Only hours and minutes remain. c.    d.Equation is balanced.Only mL per hour remain.
b.Equation is balanced.Only hours and minutes remain.
c. a.    b.Equation is balanced.Only hours and minutes remain. c.    d.Equation is balanced.Only mL per hour remain.
d.Equation is balanced.Only mL per hour remain.


An older male patient has suffered with episodic pruritus and skin eruptions for over 2 years. This patient tells the nurse, "When my skin gets better for a few days, I start worrying that it's going to start itching again soon. I think my worry may actually trigger the problems to start all over again." Which self-help technique should the nurse consider suggesting for this patient?

A) Melatonin
B) Meditation
C) Purification
D) Acupuncture

On Jun 12, 2024