


In the context of disaster management, __________ may refer to a physical or psychological wound.

A) stress
B) emotional fatigue
C) trauma
D) emotional distress

On Jul 22, 2024



What do sociologists mean when they say that the homeless population of the United States is often "invisible"?

On Jul 19, 2024

As Chapter 7 points out, public officials actively try to render the homeless invisible in certain situations by, for example, rousting them from public spaces before a major event is set to take place. Any answer should also mention that it is difficult to determine exactly how many people in the United States are homeless because the Census Bureau focuses on households when it counts the population. A good answer should also mention John Coleman's experiment as an "undercover" homeless man in New York City. Coleman noticed that most people tried to avoid even looking at him, and people he knew from his real life did not recognize him. This demonstrated that feelings of discomfort and guilt on the part of more privileged classes also contribute to the invisibility of the homeless.


Define normal accidents.

On Jun 22, 2024

Normal accidents are accidents that occur inevitably though unpredictably due to the very complexity of modern technologies.


Which of the following is NOT a cost of traditional gender roles?

A) Men may come to resent a wife who refuses to contribute economically to the family.
B) The husband may be overwhelmed with his responsibilities as the sole breadwinner.
C) Women can expect little relief from tasks that may be exhausting and monotonous.
D) Women can be discouraged from leaving abusive relationships.

On Jun 19, 2024



Using the same rationale that the United States used in determining which nations to aid financially and which to ignore, what is the most important influence on assistance?

A) moral obligations
B) historical relationships
C) geopolitical locations
D) urgent need

On May 22, 2024



One of the great shortcomings of modern medicine is its emphasis on:

A) high tech cures
B) preventative measures
C) environmental measures
D) superstition
E) none of these choices

On May 19, 2024