


Which section should include a concise review of previous research relevant to your study?

A) introduction
B) methods and materials
C) discussion
D) appendix

On Jun 08, 2024



What does liability law have to do with technical communication?

A) Liability law regulates the words and pictures available for use in sets of instructions.
B) Liability law says that a manufacturer or seller of a product is liable for injuries or damages caused by the use of that product.
C) Liability law puts the responsibility for product safety on consumers.
D) Liability law requires instructions to fit on a single printed page.

On May 16, 2024



In the context of a lab report, what does replicability mean?

On May 14, 2024

In the context of a lab report, replicability refers to the ability of an experiment or study to be repeated with the same methods and procedures by other researchers and still yield the same or very similar results. Replicability is a cornerstone of scientific research, as it allows for the verification and validation of results.

When a study is replicable, it means that the findings are consistent and reliable, not just a one-time occurrence or an artifact of unique conditions. For a lab report to demonstrate replicability, the methods section must be detailed and clear enough that another researcher could follow the same steps and expect to achieve comparable outcomes.

Replicability is important for several reasons:

1. **Confidence in Results**: It builds confidence in the validity of the results. If different researchers can replicate the findings, it suggests that the results are not due to chance or specific to a particular set of circumstances.

2. **Scientific Progress**: It is essential for the advancement of science. Replicable results can be built upon by other researchers, leading to new discoveries and the development of theories.

3. **Error Checking**: It allows for the identification and correction of errors. If results cannot be replicated, it may indicate that there was an error in the original experiment or that the findings were due to some uncontrolled variable.

4. **Transparency**: It promotes transparency in research. By providing enough detail for others to replicate the work, researchers are being open about their methods and procedures.

In summary, replicability in a lab report signifies that the experiment is designed and documented in such a way that its results can be consistently reproduced by others following the same methodology, which is fundamental for the credibility and advancement of scientific knowledge.


In a 1925 resolution, the League of Nations argued that the dissemination of information worldwide was a tool for ______.

A) propaganda on an unprecedented scale
B) the destruction of local cultures
C) the promotion of peace and understanding
D) the advance of capitalism

On May 12, 2024



Schools should consider how certain ______,such as prohibiting younger siblings from attending in-school events,create additional ______ to family engagement.

A) opportunities; advantages
B) rules; supports
C) statements; scaffolds
D) policies; barriers

On May 11, 2024



After abuse or neglect has been reported to Child Protective Services (CPS) ,the next steps for teachers can include three of the four answers.Which answer is NOT one of those steps?

A) work with the school to try to provide for the physical and safety needs of the child
B) wait for CPS to direct the teacher on how to gather further evidence
C) teach conflict management skills to help children break the cycle of abuse
D) respect the confidentiality of the situation

On May 09, 2024



A lack of time is the greatest barrier to advocacy.

On May 08, 2024
