


Many people mistakenly blame religious accommodation for the decline of the Christian presence in Canada, but what is the biggest factor?

A) religious discrimination
B) media attention to fundamentalism
C) decline in church attendance
D) aging population

On Jul 10, 2024



Discuss how the status flags and stars in KeyCite can assist you in your research when checking citations.

On Jul 07, 2024

KeyCite uses case status flags to indicate when there is case history that should be investigated.
Depending on the color of the flag, you are warned that a case is not good law for at least one of its points, that the case has some negative history but its holding has not been reversed, or that the case has been overruled. Stars added to the citation of a citing case show the extent to which your case is discussed in the citing case. For example, four stars would indicate that the citing case contains an extended discussion of your case, and one star indicates the reference is brief.


Most state trial court decisions are

A) not published.
B) published in West's National Reporter System.
C) not published chronologically.
D) published.

On Jun 10, 2024



What is the purpose of the means test under Chapter 7? Describe briefly the dividing line that determines whether a debtor files under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13.

On Jun 07, 2024

The purpose of the means test is to keep upper-income people from abusing the bankruptcy process
by filing for Chapter 7, as was thought to have happened in the past. The test forces more people to
file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy rather than allow liquidation of debts.
Debtors wishing to file for bankruptcy must complete the means test to determine whether they
qualify for Chapter 7. The debtor’s average monthly income in recent months is compared with the
median income in the geographic area in which the person lives. If the debtor’s income is below
the median income of the area in which the debtor lives, the debtor is usually allowed to file for
Chapter 7 bankruptcy, as there is no presumption of bankruptcy abuse. If the debtor’s income is
above the median income, then further calculations must be made to project the debtor’s income
and expenses into the future.


Chapter 5's reading, "A Mother to a Teacher," is an anonymous letter written by an Indigenous mother to her child's teacher.The letter tries to educate the non-Indigenous teacher about her child's culture, language, way of life, and method of learning.What is the mother's letter an act of resistance to?

A) acclimatization policy
B) assimilation policy
C) acculturation policy
D) affirmation policy

On May 11, 2024



Patricia is applying for income support through the Ontario Disability Support Program.She has to show that she has a substantial physical or mental impairment that will last for at least one year, either continuously or recurrently.She also needs to show that her impairment will substantially restrict at least one of the following activities of daily living: attending to personal care, functioning in the community, or functioning in the workplace.Which perspective does this program use?

A) functional limitations
B) biomedical
C) socio-economic
D) social inclusion

On May 08, 2024