


In the context of the folk wisdom around the type A and type B personality theory, explain why top executives are likely to be type B people?

On May 08, 2024

The top-level executives are likely to be type Bs, with type A assistants frantically running around doing their work for them. This is because type Bs can delegate responsibility, whereas type As are such perfectionists that they have to do all the work themselves and will never get to the top because of this.


AASB 102 Inventories requires items of inventories that are used by a business as components in a self-constructed property asset to be:

A) added to a 'property construction' provision account.
B) capitalised and depreciated.
C) expensed directly into equity in the period in which the items are used.
D) aggregated into 'cost of goods sold' in the period in which the items are used.

On May 07, 2024