


The job design approach that involves standardizing work procedures so that people work in well-defined and highly specialized tasks is known as job simplification.

On Jun 04, 2024



Which of the following is a false statement regarding federal independent agencies?

A) Independent agencies are governed by a board of commissioners.
B) The president appoints the commissioners of independent agencies with the advice and consent of the United States Senate.
C) The United States president may remove commissioners of federal independent agencies without cause.
D) No more than a simple majority of an independent agency can be members of any single political patty.
E) The agencies are generally not located within any department.

On Jun 04, 2024



_____ language avoids discriminating against people based on sex,physical condition, race,age,or any other category.

A) Racist
B) Bias-free
C) Sexist
D) Condition-first

On May 31, 2024



To whom does an accountant have potential liability?

A) To his client only.
B) To an intended third party beneficiary.
C) To a foreseen user of the accountant's work.
D) An accountant may be liable to all of these.

On May 03, 2024



Division A makes a part with the following characteristics: Division A makes a part with the following characteristics:   Division B, another division of the same company, would like to purchase16,100 units of the part each period from Division A. Division B is now purchasing these parts from an outside supplier at a price of $19 each.Suppose that Division A is operating at capacity and can sell all of its output to outside customers at itsusual selling price. If Division A agrees to sell the parts to Division B at $19 per unit, the company as a whole will be: A)  better off by $64&. B)  worse off by $128&. C)  worse off by $64&. D)  There will be no change in the status of the company as a whole. Division B, another division of the same company, would like to purchase16,100 units of the part each period from Division A. Division B is now purchasing these parts from an outside supplier at a price of $19 each.Suppose that Division A is operating at capacity and can sell all of its output to outside customers at itsusual selling price. If Division A agrees to sell the parts to Division B at $19 per unit, the company as a whole will be:

A) better off by $64&.
B) worse off by $128&.
C) worse off by $64&.
D) There will be no change in the status of the company as a whole.

On May 01, 2024



Which is the BEST example of a variable expense?

A) gym membership
B) streaming service subscription
C) electric bill
D) car insurance

On Apr 30, 2024



Ownership of a check is transferred by indorsement by the maker.

On Apr 29, 2024



An institutional investor will have to pay off a maturing bond issue in 3 years. The institution has 10,000 bonds outstanding, each with a $1,000 par value. The institutional money manager is reevaluating the fund's total portfolio of $100 million at this time. She is bullish on stocks and wants to put the most she can into the stock market, but she cannot risk being unable to pay off the bonds. Three-year zero-coupon bonds are available paying 6% interest. What percentage of the total $100 million portfolio can she put in stocks and still ensure meeting the bond payments?

A) 87.4%
B) 88.5%
C) 90%
D) 91.6%

On Apr 28, 2024



Difficulties in communication between people from different cultures may result from the tendency to consider one's own culture as superior to all others. This tendency is known as ___.

A) impression management
B) the halo effect
C) ethnocentrism
D) culture shock
E) the status effect

On Apr 26, 2024