


Apnea is the slowing of respiration as occurs during sleep.

On Aug 01, 2024



The departments of Justice and State, as well as anti-trafficking groups, estimate there are about 27 million people worldwide in modern-day slavery. Considering the various theories of ethics, modern-day slavery is an example of an extreme violation of the ethics of liberty.

On Jul 28, 2024



The term diploë refers to ________.

A) the two types of marrow found in bone
B) the growth plate
C) the layer of connective tissue the covers the bone
D) the spongy bone between the compact bone of flat bones

On Jul 01, 2024



When skeletal muscle is producing CO2 and water while making ATP, which chemical processes could be active at this time?

A) Anaerobic respiration
B) Aerobic respiration
C) Both anaerobic respiration and aerobic respiration are correct.

On Jun 28, 2024



What are the benefits and problems associated with international trade?

On Jun 01, 2024

The benefits of international trade stem from the assumptions of a free and open market. Free trade across countries allows consumers and producers to benefit from specialization. A country with a comparative advantage in producing a particular product (due to its proximity to raw materials, skills and talents of its people or another factor) can capitalize on its strengths to produce that product more efficiently than other countries. This reduces the price to all consumers and frees other economies to develop their own comparative advantage. Free trade increases the size of markets and allows companies to take advantage of increased economies of scale at the same time it reduces the monopoly power of domestic (sometimes inefficient) producers. Countries benefit from increased growth and income while consumers enjoy lower prices and greater choices. The downside of international trade, however, is the loss of jobs and wealth as the economy adjusts to increased free trade. Faster growth may increase pollution and environmental degradation. The emphasis on comparative advantage overlooks the importance of corporate strategies to creating a competitive advantage and ignores the importance of governmental policy in creating these advantages. Finally market imperfections can distribute the benefits of international trade unevenly. Most particularly, unequal bargaining power between countries or between labor and capital owners can make it easier for exploitation to occur.


The first cervical vertebrae is the ________.

A) occipital
B) axis
C) clavicle
D) atlas
E) mastoid

On May 29, 2024



The primary function of the cuticle of a plant is to ____.

A) retention of water
B) conduction of fluids
C) absorption of carbon dioxide
D) protection from strong sunlight
E) physical structure

On May 02, 2024



How can radial symmetry be an advantage to slow-moving or sessile marine organisms?

On Apr 29, 2024

Radial symmetry allows equal distribution of senses around the body rather than concentrating sense organs in one direction. It also allows for equal access to potential food sources coming from any direction.