


Radical,Socialist,and Communist parties in France joined together against the far right to form the

A) Red Bloc.
B) Popular Front.
C) Cross of Fire.
D) National Front.
E) Faisceau movement.

On Jul 11, 2024



As actors,Paul Robeson and Lena Horne both

A) found that,despite their acclaimed performances on stage,they would only be cast in the roles of servants in films.
B) tried to accept only roles which portrayed blacks positively and resisted playing demeaning or stereotypical roles.
C) refused to combine their politics with their film careers,a stance which made them more palatable to white audiences than other black actors of the day.
D) cultivated screen personae based on mumbling,shuffling buffoonery which film scholars now recognize as sly digs against racial stereotypes.

On Jul 07, 2024



Examine the role and evaluate the performance of the federal government as the coordinator and overseer of America's war effort during the Second World War. What were the consequences of the role assumed by the government and the actions taken?

On Jun 09, 2024

During the Second World War, the federal government played a crucial role as the coordinator and overseer of America's war effort. The government mobilized the entire nation for war, overseeing the production of military equipment, the recruitment and training of soldiers, and the allocation of resources.

The performance of the federal government in this role was largely successful. Through initiatives such as the War Production Board and the Office of War Mobilization, the government effectively coordinated the industrial and economic resources of the country to support the war effort. The government also implemented rationing and price controls to ensure that essential goods were available for the military and the civilian population.

The consequences of the government's role and actions during the war were significant. The coordinated effort led to a rapid increase in military production, allowing the United States to supply its own forces and those of its allies. The government's oversight also helped to prevent inflation and maintain stability in the domestic economy during the war.

Additionally, the government's role in overseeing the war effort had long-term effects on American society and the economy. The experience of centralized planning and coordination during the war laid the groundwork for the expansion of the federal government's role in the post-war era. This included the establishment of new government agencies and programs, as well as the increased involvement of the government in economic and social issues.

In conclusion, the federal government's role as the coordinator and overseer of America's war effort during the Second World War was crucial to the country's success in the conflict. The government's actions had significant consequences, both in the short term in terms of the war effort, and in the long term in shaping the role of the government in American society.


Which of the following statements best assesses the fate of feminism during the New Deal?

A) Eleanor Roosevelt's leadership helped bring about a revival of organized feminism.
B) Since women in domestic service were less often fired than blue-collar male workers, feminists earned much public sympathy.
C) Given the broad consensus that the job claims of male providers superseded women's, organized feminism essentially disappeared.
D) The sense of failure men experienced in the workplace prompted many of them to turn to women and feminists for leadership.
E) The women-friendly policies of the WPA, CCC, and CWA gave women's claim for equal pay a boost.

On Jun 07, 2024



As a result of the American Revolution, Americans rejected

A) the idea that males should be the unchallenged heads of household.
B) the principle of hereditary aristocracy.
C) the establishment of a republic.
D) the definition of liberty as a universal entitlement.
E) all kinds of organized religion.

On Jun 06, 2024