Jadore Phillips-Lopez




Establishing _____ reduces the level of threat and gains the trust of clients, who recognize that social workers intend to be helpful.​

A) ​a rule
B) ​dominance
C) ​rapport
D) ​a goal

On Aug 03, 2024



In single subject design the primary criterion for inferring causality is concomitant variation; that is, the observed change in the outcome must occur at (or soon after)the time the intervention is implemented.

On Jul 10, 2024



Briefly explain motivational congruence.​

On Jun 19, 2024

Answers may vary. People are motivated to work on problems that are important to them. Motivational congruence means that as a social worker you work on target goals that are personally meaningful to the client and that also satisfy the requirements of a mandate. Goals are more likely to succeed and result in longer-lasting change when they are meaningful to the client than when motivation and commitment are focused on escaping a sanction or gaining a reward. The principle of "starting where the client is" is equally important with involuntary clients. Goal selection and definition should include their view of the problem in addition to the problem description in the mandate.​


In a biopsychosocial assessment, a(n) _____ consists of a statement that summarizes and synthesizes the most important aspects of a case to create a story of the client and his or her past and presenting problems.​

A) ​ideation
B) ​formulation
C) ​diagnosis
D) ​prescription

On Jun 10, 2024



Melanie is an active participant of a help group for victims of domestic abuse. She derives emotional support from her peers in the group, who she regards as her sisters, and looks up to the social worker leading the group as a maternal influence. In this scenario, Melanie's help group is most likely to be in the _____ of group development.​

A) ​differentiation stage
B) ​preaffiliation stage
C) ​intimacy stage
D) ​power and control stage

On Jun 05, 2024



Discuss the essential elements that are involved in establishing an alliance with each family member.

On May 27, 2024

Answers may vary. In working with couples or families (or groups), social workers have a twofold task of establishing a personal relationship with each individual while developing a "connectedness" with the family as a unit. To cultivate relationships with family members, you use socializing, a technique that involves brief social chitchat at the beginning of the session to reduce tension. Joining or coupling techniques to expedite entry into the family system must respect culture, family form, family rules, and the current level of functioning. You may also find that using the family's language and idioms-for example, "He's messing up in school"-facilitates your connection to the family. You can further connect to the family by conveying your acceptance and by engaging them in identifying their strengths. Conveying acceptance and offering support may be especially critical to vulnerable members of the family.


__________________ refers to the idea that solution-based counselors make no assumptions about a client's unique experiences and understandings of their problems.

A) Channeling language
B) Echoing Client's Key Words
C) Optimism and Hope
D) Beginner's Mind

On May 24, 2024



The term,homeostasis,in the case of families can be defined as ____________________.

A) chaos that create instability for the family
B) norms that create stability for the family
C) lack of movement to create stability for the family
D) a set of changes initiated for the purpose of catalyzing family change

On May 20, 2024



Which of the following statements is true when counselors are assessing for solutions?

A) Counselors need to assess only solutions that have worked.
B) Counselors need to assess only solutions that have not worked.
C) Counselors need to assess both solutions that have and have not worked.
D) Solutions are not integral to the counseling process.

On May 17, 2024