


What does the phrase "percentage of variance" tell a researcher?

A) how much of a trait in a single person can be explained by genetics
B) the amount of variation among a group of people
C) the difference in outcomes attributed to the shared versus nonshared environment
D) the amount of variation within a given individual

On Jul 29, 2024



The one form of psychotherapy found to be helpful in treating schizophrenia is

A) humanistic therapy.
B) interpersonal psychotherapy.
C) behaviour therapy.
D) cognitive-behaviour therapy.
E) psychoanalysis.

On Jul 17, 2024



Which of the following is the MOST accurate summary of the social facilitation theory?

A) The presence of others increases the dominant response tendency.
B) The presence of others elicits evaluation apprehension.
C) The presence of others improves task performance.
D) The presence of others leads to competition.

On Jun 29, 2024



David Rosenhan conducted a classic study in 1973 to investigate the question whether it was plausible to believe that there were sane individuals being held in psychiatric institutions What was his method

A)  The method used by Rosenhan was called the 'psychiatric dilemma'. 
B)  Rosenhan interviewed over 300 psychiatric patients to evaluate their sanity. 
C)  He arranged for normal people to go to the hospital and complain of hearing voices. 
D)  He arranged for abnormal or mentally ill people to get admitted to hospital and then see how long it took them to get better and be released.

On Jun 14, 2024



Briefly describe the nature versus nurture debate.Provide an argument that behavioural differences,if they do exist,are due to how individuals are socialized.

On Jun 12, 2024

According to the nature side of the debate,genes play the biggest role in human behaviour.Evolutionary theory is used to provide support for the role of biology.Also,this side of the debate suggests that the fittest individuals survive,which assures that the best and strongest genes pass from one generation to the next.Alternately,sociologists focus on the socializing process throughout the life course,whereby individuals learn culture,develop personalities,and become functioning members of society.Students could discuss how socializing agents socialize individuals into different roles and expectations,which in turn affect how behaviours vary.Students might also discuss the development of the self by referring to the work of Cooley,Mead,etc.Lastly,students might mention the text's discussion of feral children.


In decision making, __________ means thoroughly considering every possibility to find the best one.

On May 14, 2024



What gender do you identify as? How did each of the four socializing agents discussed influence your understanding of what it means to be your gender?

On May 13, 2024

I identify as a woman.The four agents of socialization influenced my understanding of what it means to be a woman.In terms of family, my single mother-a nurse-and grandmother-a teacher-modeled that being a woman meant being independent, resilient in the face of adversity, and caring for others.My female peers growing up were heavily involved in sports, influencing my view of girls as capable athletes.In school, I received praise for hard work and good grades, shaping my understanding that women can and should be intelligent.In terms of mass media, I watched cartoons like Rocket Power and The Weekenders in which friend groups consisted of mostly boys with one sporty girl.From these shows, I understood that girls could gain respect and have worth beyond their looks.


Congress is a part of the judicial branch of government.

On May 12, 2024
