


Business emails do not need to follow formal rules of grammar, spelling, and capitalization; they should instead use brief texting language and abbreviations such as LOL and IMHO.

On Jul 19, 2024



The price parity concept, which is a cornerstone of U.S. agricultural policy, was established by the

A) Agricultural Income Act of 1914.
B) Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933.
C) Obama administration.
D) Reagan administration.

On Jul 18, 2024



Rita is planning to remodel her house. However, she does not have enough savings and does not wish to borrow from her family members. She chooses to seek the services of peer-to-peer sites. She visits FriendlyGesture, a site that allows people looking to borrow money find appropriate parties who can loan them the required amount at a certain agreed-upon rate. In the process, FriendlyGesture receives a fee of 2 percent of the loan amount. In this scenario, the site FriendlyGesture is a _____.

A) peer-to-peer lender
B) peer-to-peer recipient
C) peer-to-peer leaser
D) peer-to-peer distributer

On Jun 18, 2024



For years, John witnessed employees assembling auto parts with the wrong screws (the screws were a surplus that the company did not want to waste) . He contemplated telling someone but was afraid of being labeled a whistle-blower. After an incident on the assembly line, John realized he needed to say something. Two middle-level managers were demoted, the company implemented new policies to address the assembly problem, and the company issued a national recall to replace the screws. John's actions were a form of ______.

A) organizational leadership
B) narrative leadership
C) resistance leadership
D) romance leadership

On Jun 16, 2024



Which source of resistance to change means that even if individuals agree with the change, they may be constrained by group norms?

A) structural inertia
B) group inertia
C) limited focus of change
D) threat to expertise

On May 18, 2024



What do economies of scale,the ownership of essential raw materials,and patents have in common?

A) They must all be present before price discrimination can be practiced.
B) They are all barriers to entry.
C) They all help explain why a monopolist's demand and marginal revenue curves coincide.
D) They all help explain why the long-run average cost curve is U-shaped.

On May 17, 2024