


Treasury stock should be reported in the financial statements of a corporation as a(n)

A) investment
B) liability
C) current asset
D) deduction from stockholders' equity

On Jun 30, 2024



In most states, which of the following is true regarding Tyler's concern that Sean could not be sued for the price of the skateboards?

A) Sean cannot be sued if Sean purchased the skateboards within 30 days of the joining of the businesses.
B) Sean can be sued only if Sean purchased the skateboards within 30 days of the joining of the businesses.
C) Sean cannot be sued unless Sean approves in writing the joining of the businesses.
D) Sean can be sued only if Sean is notified by certified letter of the joining of the businesses.
E) The right to sue Sean would not be lost by the joining of the corporations.

On Jun 30, 2024



Which of the following is true of footnotes?

A) Footnotes must always specify the who, what, where, when, and why of the five Ws.
B) Footnotes are similar to talking headings which give a reader the main message of the visual.
C) Footnotes, by convention, appear above the tabular displays or visuals that they refer to.
D) Footnotes are keyed to the part that they explain by means of a superscript number or symbol.
E) Footnotes are the top-most components of a visual.

On Jun 03, 2024



A "must have" team skill as described in the textbook is encouraging and motivating others.

On May 31, 2024



The principle of WIIFM focuses which aspect of motivation?

A) Self-actualization
B) Prosocial behavior
C) Altruism
D) Self-interest

On May 04, 2024



Many states use container redemption programs to encourage reuse of glass bottles and other recyclable containers. Suppose a state has a current redemption program that imposes a 10-cent per container fee, and then the state increases the fee to 15 cents per container. What is the expected impact of this change on the optimal quantity of unredeemed (scrapped) containers?

A) Optimal quantity increases.
B) Optimal quantity decreases.
C) Optimal quantity remains unchanged.
D) We cannot determine the outcome of this policy change without having more information.

On May 01, 2024