


Operant behaviors can be influenced by:

A) changing the consequences of those behaviors
B) measuring the consequences of those behaviors
C) charting the occurrence of those behaviors
D) pairing them with reflexive behaviors

On Jul 28, 2024



The private sector organization involved in developing accounting principles is the

A) Feasible Accounting Standards Body.
B) Financial Accounting Studies Board.
C) Financial Accounting Standards Board.
D) Financial Auditors' Standards Body.

On Jul 24, 2024



The following graph shows the demand for and the supply of a good in a country.If the world price of the good is $2.00 per unit and an import quota of 50 units per month is imposed,then:
The following graph shows the demand for and the supply of a good in a country.If the world price of the good is $2.00 per unit and an import quota of 50 units per month is imposed,then:   A) domestic production will increase from 100 to 200 units per month. B) imports will increase from 25 to 50 units per month. C) domestic production will increase from 100 to 175 units per month. D) domestic production will increase from 100 to 125 units per month. E) domestic production will increase from 100 to 150 units per month.

A) domestic production will increase from 100 to 200 units per month.
B) imports will increase from 25 to 50 units per month.
C) domestic production will increase from 100 to 175 units per month.
D) domestic production will increase from 100 to 125 units per month.
E) domestic production will increase from 100 to 150 units per month.

On Jun 27, 2024



Fred, a clerk at a Games Store, takes a game player and a selection of games from the store without permission. Most likely, Fred is liable for

A) trade libel.
B) none of the choices.
C) conversion.
D) wrongful interference with a business relationship.

On Jun 24, 2024



Strategic plans set broad, comprehensive, and longer-term action directions for the entire organization.

On May 28, 2024



From the following information, compute cost of goods sold.  Purchase returns $200 Inventory, December 311,500 Freight-in 100 Inventory, January 11,800 Purchases 5,000\begin{array}{ll}\text { Purchase returns } & \$ 200 \\\text { Inventory, December } 31 & 1,500 \\\text { Freight-in } & 100 \\\text { Inventory, January } 1 & 1,800 \\\text { Purchases } & 5,000\end{array} Purchase returns  Inventory, December 31 Freight-in  Inventory, January 1 Purchases $2001,5001001,8005,000

A) $5, 300
B) $5, 200
C) $5, 100
D) $5, 000

On May 25, 2024