


Values must represent ordered rankings for what type of data?

A) Interval data
B) Nominal data
C) Ordinal data
D) None of these choices.

On Aug 02, 2024



Explain the concept of random assignment in experimental design and why it is important.

On Jul 07, 2024

In experimental design, random assignment becomes especially important. With random assignment, we can assume that the probability of some peculiarity occurring in one group is no greater or less than the probability of it occurring in another group. Any difference we observe between groups should then be due to the variable we are manipulating and not to something unique to one group.


Jennifer already has $15,500 saved for a down payment for a house and she plans to save another $400 at the end of each month for the next three years. If she earns 8.4% compounded monthly how large will her down payment be in three years?

A) $36,123
B) $36,237
C) $37,680
D) $19,924
E) $16,312

On Jul 03, 2024



How do reliability and validity work together?

On Jun 07, 2024

You need both to have a good measure.First,you establish validity,then,you use other techniques to establish reliability.However,a test cannot be valid if it is not reliable.


Identify the terms in s2+5sw+s2s ^ { 2 } + 5 s w + s ^ { 2 }s2+5sw+s2 .

A) 5
B) s2,sw,s2s ^ { 2 } , s w , s ^ { 2 }s2,sw,s2
C) s2+5sw+s2s ^ { 2 } + 5 s w + s ^ { 2 }s2+5sw+s2
D) s2,5sw,s2s ^ { 2 } , 5 s w , s ^ { 2 }s2,5sw,s2
E) S,wS , wS,w

On Jun 03, 2024



The following information regarding a portfolio of two stocks are given: w1 = .65,w2 = .35,E(R1) = .12,and E(R2) = .14.Which of the following regarding the portfolio expected return,E(Rp) ,is correct?

A) .260
B) .127
C) .346
D) .374

On May 07, 2024



When we calculate reliability,we know the observed score.What are the two unknown components of the reliability equation?

A) method and error scores
B) means and standard deviations
C) test-retest and interrater scores
D) true and error scores

On May 04, 2024



Number of innings in the baseball games a major league team plays over the course of a season.

A) The distribution would likely be bimodal and skewed right.The great majority of the games will be nine innings and this would represent one mode.However,if the score of a game is tied after nine innings,extra innings are played,so some games will last 10,11,12,or more innings; and,this will represent the other mode.Some games will be 5-8 innings,if for example rain cuts them short,and this is more common than extra-inning games,so the distribution would be skewed to the left.
B) The distribution would likely be bimodal and skewed right.The great majority of the games will be nine innings and this would represent one mode.However,if the score of a game is tied after nine innings,extra innings are played,so some games will last 10,11,12,or more innings; and,this will represent the other mode.Some games will be 5-8 innings,if for example rain cuts them short,but extra-inning games are much more common,so the distribution would be skewed to the right.
C) The distribution would likely be unimodal and skewed right.The great majority of the games will be nine innings.However,if the score of a game is tied after nine innings,extra innings are played,so some games will last 10,11,12,or more innings.Some games will be 5-8 innings,if for example rain cuts them short,but extra-inning games are much more common,so the distribution would be skewed to the right.
D) The distribution would likely be unimodal and skewed left.The great majority of the games will be nine innings.However,if the score of a game is tied after nine innings,extra innings are played,so some games will last 10,11,12,or more innings.Some games will be 5-8 innings,if for example rain cuts them short,and this is more common than extra-inning games,so the distribution would be skewed to the left.
E) The distribution would likely be uniform.Some games will be nine innings.However,if the score of a game is tied after nine innings,extra innings are played,so some games will last 10,11,12,or more innings.Some games will be 5-8 innings,if for example rain cuts them short.The number of innings in the games would be evenly distributed.

On May 02, 2024



A particular student has a grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 in their first three courses.What is the minimum average they will need in their fourth and fifth courses so that their overall GPA on all five courses is at least 3.0?

A) 3.00
B) 3.25
C) 3.50
D) 3.75
E) It cannot be determined.

On May 02, 2024



The annual net income of the Todd Bros. partnership is distributed so that Ken receives $15,000 more than 80% of Hugh's share. How should a net income of $98,430 be divided between the partners?

On May 01, 2024

Hugh = $46,350 and Ken = $52,080