


Culture is best described as

A) the entire collection of character strengths that help individuals and communities to thrive.
B) the enduring behaviors,ideas,attitudes,values,and traditions shared by a group and transmitted across generations.
C) the contribution that experience makes to the development of psychological traits and behaviors.
D) basic moral values that are shared by all of humanity.

On Jul 26, 2024



Jennie is a resident in an understaffed nursing home. The aides who work at the home fail to get Jennie up out of bed enough and she has developed bed sores. They sometimes forget to give her medication to her. They make sure she gets her meals, but they fail to see if she actually eats them. What type of elder maltreatment is Jennie experiencing?

A) financial neglect
B) physical abuse
C) psychological abuse
D) physical neglect

On Jul 23, 2024



Two women,Jackie and Roberta,ask Katie out.Although she likes both of them, Katie decides to go out with Jackie.Afterward,she starts to notice more positive
Qualities about Jackie and more negative qualities about Roberta.Katie's new attitude is
Most likely a result of

A) cognitive dissonance.
B) postdecisional dissonance.
C) justification of effort.
D) attitude accessibility.

On Jun 26, 2024



According to your text,in any given year,one in four Americans over age 18 has a psychological disorder.However,there are large differences in which disorders occur more in each sex.
A) Describe one factor (biological,environmental,psychological,sociocultural) that would explain why women are more likely to experience major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders.
B) Describe one factor (biological,environmental,psychological,sociocultural) that would explain why men are more likely to experience antisocial personality disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

On Jun 23, 2024

A) Some examples: biological-hormones,prenatal development/nutrition/exposure to certain things;environmental-women are encouraged to express their feelings more,and women have greater stress levels;psychological-women are more likely to have negative thoughts about themselves,and women have a greater tendency to feel negative emotions;sociocultural-women are oppressed in society
B) Some examples: biological-hormones,prenatal development,increased levels of certain neurotransmitters;environmental-men are taught to be more aggressive and ambitious;psychological-men are less sensitive to others' emotional states,and men are more likely motivated by positive emotions (pleasure);sociocultural-men are exposed to aggression and violence to a greater degree than women,and men are more likely to choose professions that encourage manipulation or a lack of empathy


Internal,stable,and global explanations for one's own failures are indicative of

A) linkage analysis.
B) rumination.
C) pessimism.
D) mania.

On May 26, 2024



Sexual dysfunctions are acute or non-chronic problems in becoming sexually aroused or reaching orgasm.

On May 23, 2024
