


Briefly describe French and Raven's five forms of interpersonal power that managers use.

On Jul 31, 2024

Answers will vary. French and Raven identified five forms of interpersonal power that managers use: reward, coercive, legitimate, referent, and expert power.
Reward power is power based on an agent's ability to control rewards that a target wants, such as salary increases, bonuses, and promotions. Coercive power is power that is based on an agent's ability to cause a target to have an unpleasant experience. Legitimate power, which is similar to authority, is power that is based on position and mutual agreement. Referent power is an elusive power that is based on interpersonal attraction. Expert power is the power that exists when an agent has specialized knowledge or skills that a target needs. Please see the section "Forms and Sources of Power in Organizations" for more information.


Regarding costs of production, can a firm ever be at a point that is not on the marginal cost curve? Explain.

On Jul 27, 2024

A profit-maximizing, price-taker firm always operates along its marginal cost curve. If output expands, we move rightward along the curve, and if it contracts, we move along the curve to the left. Since, by definition, a profit-maximizing price taker will produce the quantity where price (marginal revenue) equals marginal cost, the cost of producing the last unit will always be relevant, and you never move to a point that is not on the marginal cost curve.


The actual cash received during the week ended June 7 for cash sales was $18,632, and the amount indicated by the cash register total was $18,628. Journalize the entry to record the cash receipts and cash sales.​Journal  Date  Description  Post.  Ref.  Debit  Credit \begin{array} { | c | c | c | c | c | } \hline \text { Date } & \text { Description } & \begin{array} { c } \text { Post. } \\\text { Ref. }\end{array} & \text { Debit } & \text { Credit } \\\hline & & & & \\\hline & & & & \\\hline & & & & \\\hline\end{array} Date  Description  Post.  Ref.  Debit  Credit 

On Jul 01, 2024

Journal  Date  Description  Post.  Ref.  Debit  Credit  June 7  Cash 18,632 Sales 18,628 Cash Short and Over 4\begin{array} { | c | c | c | r | r | } \hline \text { Date } & { \text { Description } } & \begin{array} { c } \text { Post. } \\\text { Ref. }\end{array} & \text { Debit } & \text { Credit } \\\hline \text { June 7 } & \text { Cash } & & 18,632 & \\\hline & \text { Sales } & & & 18,628 \\\hline & \text { Cash Short and Over } & & & 4 \\\hline\end{array} Date  June 7  Description  Cash  Sales  Cash Short and Over  Post.  Ref.  Debit 18,632 Credit 18,6284


In Bertrand v.Mullin,the case in the text,the court held that:

A) the evidence demonstrated that the defendant's failure to write the advertisement in a different way amounted to actual malice.
B) the evidence demonstrated that the defendant had a high degree of subjective awareness of falsity.
C) the evidence failed to show actual malice and the plaintiff could not establish a defamation claim.
D) the evidence failed to show that the defendant knowingly made a false statement.

On Jun 27, 2024



According to ________, people form perceptions of themselves based on their characteristics and memberships in social categories.

On Jun 01, 2024

social identity theory


A bond with a par value of $1,000 trading at 97 ½ sells for a premium.

On May 28, 2024
