


Which of the following is true regarding the obligation,if any,of a consumer who discovers that a company has sent the consumer unsolicited merchandise?

A) The consumer may treat the merchandise as a gift.
B) The consumer may only treat the merchandise as a gift if it has a value of under $25; otherwise,the consumer must call the seller and ask if the seller would like to cover return postage.
C) The consumer may only treat the merchandise as a gift if it has a value of under $50; otherwise,the consumer must call the seller and ask if the seller would like to cover return postage.
D) The consumer may only treat the merchandise as a gift if it has a value of under $100; otherwise,the consumer must call the seller and ask if the seller would like to cover return postage.
E) The consumer must return the merchandise.

On Jul 08, 2024



A firm is about to undertake the manufacture of a product, and is weighing the process configuration options. There are two intermittent processes under consideration, as well as a repetitive focus. The smaller intermittent process has fixed costs of $3,000 per month, and variable costs of $10 per unit. The larger intermittent process has fixed costs of $12,000 and variable costs of $2 per unit. A repetitive focus plant has fixed costs of $50,000 and variable costs of $1 per unit.
a. At what output does the large intermittent process become cheaper than the small one?
b. At what output does the repetitive process become cheaper than the larger intermittent process?

On Jul 06, 2024

(a) at 1125 units, the large job shop becomes cheaper than the small job shop
(b) at 38,000 units, the repetitive shop is cheaper than the larger job shop.


​If the firm learns that the complicated technology can be made more stable with a few tweaks increasing the price to 15.5 million and increasing the probability of a launch to 50%.Given the new costs and probabilities of launch for the complicated software,which technology would the firm rather invest in now?

A) ​The simple voice-activated software
B) The complicated thought-activated software
C) Neither of the software
D) ​Need more information

On Jun 08, 2024



The participant observation approach requires a researcher to make and record objective observations of focus group participants.

On Jun 06, 2024



According to the benefits principle, it is fair for people to pay taxes based on their ability to shoulder the tax burden.

On May 09, 2024



What term refers to the cost of changing direct materials into a finished manufactured product?

A) factory overhead cost
B) period cost
C) conversion cost
D) direct labor cost

On May 07, 2024



According to Keynes,if private sector demand is insufficient to maintain full employment,the government should:

A) make the economy's natural transition to a lower level of employment as easy as possible.
B) shock the economy with an increase in aggregate demand.
C) reduce aggregate supply to reduce inflation.
D) print money to promote consumer spending.
E) take steps to increase aggregate supply in an economy.

On May 06, 2024