


Many advances in civil rights have been accomplished through federal legislation.Describe the different parts of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.What have these two laws accomplished?

On Jul 01, 2024

There are two components to this question.
a.Civil Rights Act of 1964: This law prohibited major forms of discrimination against racial,ethnic,national and religious minorities,and women in voting registration,schools,public accommodations,and the workplace.Specifically,the act authorized the executive branch to implement federal court orders to desegregate schools,and to do so without having to wait for individual parents to bring complaints.The act also strengthened the role of the executive branch and the credibility of court orders by providing that federal grants-in-aid to state and local governments for education must be withheld from any school system practicing racial segregation.Title VII made it unlawful to discriminate in employment on the basis of color,religion,sex,or national origin,as well as race.In order to enforce fair employment practices,the national government could revoke public contracts for goods and services and refuse to engage in contracts with any private company that could not guarantee that its rules for hiring,promoting,and firing were nondiscriminatory.After the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act,public accommodations quickly removed some of the most visible forms of racial discrimination.Signs defining "colored" and "white" restrooms,water fountains,waiting rooms,and seating arrangements were removed and a host of other practices that relegated black people to separate and inferior arrangements were ended.In addition,the federal government filed more than 400 antidiscrimination suits in federal courts against hotels,restaurants,taverns,gas stations,and other "public accommodations."
b.Voting Rights Act of 1965: This law protected voting rights by barring literacy and other tests as a condition for voting in six southern states,by setting criminal penalties for interference with efforts to vote,and by providing for the replacement of local registrars with federally appointed registrars in counties designated by the attorney general as significantly resistant to registering eligible blacks to vote.The Voting Rights Act significantly increased African American voting in southern states.


What are public interest groups?

On Jun 27, 2024

Students' answers may vary.
Public interest groups are any associations seeking government action, the achievement of which will not principally benefit the members of the association.


While the Federal Reserve's decision to cut the federal funds rate is expected to ________
Economic growth,its decision to raise the federal funds rate is expected to ________
Economic growth.

A) speed up; slow down
B) slow down; speed up
C) have no effect on; speed up
D) have no effect on; slow down

On Jun 01, 2024



The first provision of the Bill of Rights to be incorporated into the Fourteenth Amendment as a limitation on state power was the

A) First Amendment's protection for freedom of the press.
B) First Amendment's protection for freedom of speech.
C) First Amendment's protection for freedom of assembly.
D) Fifth Amendment's prohibition on states from taking private property for a public use without just compensation.

On May 28, 2024



Concern for the dangers of uneducated mob rule led James Madison and others of his time to caution against which of the following?

A) The right to bear arms
B) Freedom of speech
C) Democratic republics
D) Popular sovereignty
E) Direct democracy

On May 01, 2024



What is the constitutional protection that ensures unqualified religious freedom?

A) Freedom of association
B) Symbolic speech
C) Free exercise clause
D) Clear and present danger test
E) Elastic clause

On Apr 28, 2024