


The ratio of different-colored fluorescent dyes in microarray can be used to infer information about:

A) patterns of gene expression only
B) drug activity only
C) the identity of disease-causing genes only
D) patterns of gene expression and also drug activity only
E) patterns of gene expression, drug activity, and the identity of disease-causing genes

On Jul 20, 2024



Which blood vessels carry blood away from the heart?

A) capillaries
B) venules
C) veins
D) arteries
E) lymph vessels

On Jul 17, 2024



Describe the evolutionary relationships between the following organisms. Draw a family "tree" if necessary. Include bony fish, amniotes, lizards, mammals, turtles, birds, reptiles, ray-finned fishes, amphibians, lungfish, and lobe-finned fishes.

On Jun 18, 2024

Concepts to Consider: The bony fish diversified into a number of groups, including lungfish and lobe-finned fishes, which exhibit rather primitive characteristics, and the more advanced ray-finned fishes; the amphibians evolved from the lungfish, and the reptiles were the first amniotes and include the turtles and lizards; the birds evolved from reptiles (dinosaurs); mammals evolved from primitive reptiles known as therapsids.


The first and second heart sounds are most directly related to

A) pulse pressure in the aorta.
B) the contraction of the atria.
C) vibrations that occur when the valves close.
D) contraction of the papillary muscles.
E) the flow of the blood.

On Jun 17, 2024



Explain the species interactions in each of the following symbiotic relationships: parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism.

On Jun 15, 2024

Parasitism: one species benefits while another is harmed.
Commensalism: one species benefits while there is no effect upon the other.
Mutualism: both species benefit from this relationship.


Describe the three strategic roles of an HR manager. What are the major challenges for an HR manager in each role with regard to labor relations?

On May 18, 2024

Human resource managers can be seen as having three roles: builder, change partner, and navigator. The builder assembles the basic components of an organization's HR function, coordinating staffing, compensation and other functions of HR. The major challenge for the builder is to create processes for negotiating and administering contracts that fit with the other organizational needs. In other words, to construct labor relations processes within the organization that can address day-to-day issues such as grievances, disciplinary actions, and the like. The change partner reshapes the HR function in response to organizational or environmental changes. The challenge facing the change partner is to shape labor-management relations in a way that will promote competitiveness in a global economy, allow flexibility in response to change, and maintain a healthy relationship between the employer and its employees. The navigator must continuously develop organizational competencies and performance by balancing the internal pressures faced by the builder and the external pressures faced by the change partner. The navigator is challenged with maintaining respect for union and employee needs while at the same time promoting competitiveness and creating flexibility.


A neuron is receiving a stimulus which gets stronger and stronger. The result is

A) amplitude of the action potential increases.
B) duration of the action potential increases.
C) frequency of occurrence of action potentials increases.
D) resonance of action potentials increases.
E) height of the action potentials increases.

On May 15, 2024



The right lung lies in the ________ cavity.

A) dorsal
B) percardial
C) pleural
D) mediastinum

On May 14, 2024