


Explain civil society.

On Jul 10, 2024

Students' answers may vary.
Civil society encompasses the voluntary associations that lie between the private realm of the family and the public sphere of politics.Alexis de Tocqueville, the French democratic theorist who visited the United States in the 1830s, argued that the great strength of American democracy lay precisely in the character of its voluntary associations.Voluntary associations, from food banks to labor unions, from Boys and Girls Clubs to arts associations, act like informal schools, enabling citizens to develop the civic skills that are necessary to participate effectively in a democracy.Civic associations can help to take the rough edges off of American individualism, with its tendency to worship individual wealth and competitiveness.Such associations help people realize that they are part of a community and that a meaningful life is found not in possessions but in building a shared life with others.


The principle of ________ gives the federal government the power to override any state or
Local law in one particular area of policy.

A) cooperative federalism
B) grant-in-aid
C) preemption
D) home rule

On Jul 04, 2024



The so-called wall of separation between church and state is best found in which clause of
The Constitution?

A) the free exercise clause
B) the establishment clause
C) the equal protection clause
D) the wall of separation clause

On Jun 08, 2024



If voters are unhappy with the performance of an elected officer, which of the following can be used to remove that person from office?

A) A referendum
B) An initiative
C) A cloture call
D) A recall
E) A veto message

On Jun 01, 2024



News produced by individuals and organizations who are not employed as professional journalists
Is called

A) advocacy journalism.
B) adversarial journalism.
C) citizen journalism.
D) fake news.

On May 09, 2024



Public broadcasting in the United States

A) accounts for a much larger share of the media market than in other Western democracies,such as France,Germany,and Denmark.
B) accounts for a much smaller share of the media market than in other Western democracies,such as France,Germany,and Denmark.
C) accounts for a roughly the same share of the media market as in other Western democracies,such as France,Germany,and Denmark.
D) is illegal under the First Amendment to the Constitution.

On May 02, 2024