


The same brand of chocolate truffles tasted better to Julia when she thought they cost $20 a pound than when she thought they cost half that much.This best illustrates the impact of

A) the volley principle.
B) top-down processing.
C) synesthesia.
D) precognition.

On Jul 10, 2024



Sophia finds that her son Alex enjoys lemon candy. Sophia encourages Alex when he displays courteous behavior at home. She then starts reinforces this behavior at school, relatives' homes, and church. What type of single-case design does Sophia employ?

A) Across situations multiple-baseline design
B) Across behaviors ABA design
C) Across subjects multiple-baseline design
D) Across subjects ABA design

On Jul 08, 2024



Taking away the driver's license of a reckless teen driver is intended to serve as a

A) negative reinforcement.
B) positive reinforcement.
C) negative punishment.
D) positive punishment.

On Jun 10, 2024



Vincent is in the final stage of lung cancer and is in a great deal of pain. He requests his physicians to put an end to his suffering by allowing him to die. After completing the required legal formalities, Vincent's wife administers a drug to end his life. This scenario illustrates _____.

A) temporary sedation
B) voluntary active euthanasia
C) passive euthanasia
D) physician-assisted suicide

On Jun 08, 2024



What are you experiencing if you try to remember something,but cannot,when you know the information is in memory

A)  the cocktail party effect 
B)  pseudoamnesia phenomenon 
C)  tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon 
D)  retrieval-delay syndrome

On May 11, 2024



How could Skinner's radical behaviorism explain Maria's change in parenting style to encourage cooperation by her children? How does the focus of Skinner's theory differ from that of Kelly's?

On May 09, 2024

Behaviorism can be used to explain Maria's change in parenting style through discussion of reinforcements and punishments.Maria found that her requests were ignored which was punishing.That behavior was therefore eliminated.When she made her requests into games, they were obeyed, which was rewarding and therefore encouraged that behavior.Skinner's theory differs from Kelly's in that Kelly's is much more cognitive in nature than Skinner's.Both theories, however, include the possibility of behavior being influenced by the environment: Skinner through his concepts of reinforcement and punishment; Kelly through his experience corollary.


In the context of development, discuss the adaptability of the human brain.

On May 08, 2024

Answers will vary. The great adaptability of the brain appears to be a double-edged sword. Adaptability allows us to develop different patterns of neural connections to meet the demands of different environments, but lack of stimulation-especially during critical early periods of development-can impair adaptability. The brain is also affected by experience. Infants actually have more connections among neurons than adults do. Connections that are activated by experience survive; others do not.