


Identify the property of real numbers illustrated by the statement (5+9) +7=5+(9+7) ( 5 + 9 ) + 7 = 5 + ( 9 + 7 ) (5+9) +7=5+(9+7) .

A) Commutative Property of Multiplication
B) Commutative Property of Addition
C) Distributive Property
D) Associative Property of Multiplication
E) Associative Property of Addition

On Sep 24, 2024



Two different tests are designed to measure employee productivity and dexterity.Several employees are randomly selected and tested with these results.  Productivity  Dexterity 234925532859214221472553265530633467367529523155\begin{array} { c | c } \text { Productivity } & \text { Dexterity } \\\hline 23 & 49 \\\hline 25 & 53 \\28 & 59 \\21 & 42 \\21 & 47 \\25 & 53 \\26 & 55 \\30 & 63 \\34 & 67 \\36 & 75 \\29 & 52 \\31 & 55\end{array} Productivity 232528212125263034362931 Dexterity 495359424753556367755255 Using a 5% level of significance,perform a nonparametric test to determine if there is a monotonic association between an employee's productivity and their dexterity.Assume that rank ties will have little influence on your result.

On Sep 22, 2024

H0: There is no monotonic association between an employee's productivity and their dexterity. HA: There is a monotonic association between an employee's productivity and their dexterity. rs = 0.888,Test statistic: t = 13.28,P-value = 0.000000056 Reject the null hypothesis.There is sufficient evidence to suggest a monotonic association between an employee's productivity and their dexterity.