


Examples of ethical lapses to avoid in business visuals include all of the following EXCEPT

A) including photos that play on racial or gender stereotypes.
B) expanding the detail of a graphic in order to make it more readable.
C) altering photos or graphs to hide information that could make you look bad.
D) distorting the axes on a line chart to make sales look like they have increased significantly over previous years.

On Sep 23, 2024



Two different products are being considered for production. The cost structures are listed below on a per unit basis. Which product should be produced, using revenue retrieval analysis?
 Product Blue  Resale Revenue  Recycling  Revenue  Processing Cost  Disposal Cost  Part A $5.25$3.68$1.01$2.48 Part B $8.78$4.37$1.04$1.07 Part C $2.13$0.92$0.14$0\begin{array} { | l | l | l | l | l | } \hline \text { Product Blue } & \text { Resale Revenue } & \begin{array} { l } \text { Recycling } \\\text { Revenue }\end{array} & \text { Processing Cost } & \text { Disposal Cost } \\\hline \text { Part A } & \$ 5.25 & \$ 3.68 & \$ 1.01 & \$ 2.48 \\\hline \text { Part B } & \$ 8.78 & \$ 4.37 & \$ 1.04 & \$ 1.07 \\\hline \text { Part C } & \$ 2.13 & \$ 0.92 & \$ 0.14 & \$ 0 \\\hline\end{array} Product Blue  Part A  Part B  Part C  Resale Revenue $5.25$8.78$2.13 Recycling  Revenue $3.68$4.37$0.92 Processing Cost $1.01$1.04$0.14 Disposal Cost $2.48$1.07$0  Product  Recycling  Yellow  Resale Revenue  Revenue  Processing Cost  Disposal Cost  Part A $5.21$3.54$2.18$0.88 Part B $5.14$5.66$2.48$1.97 Part C $0.97$0.71$0.35$0.31\begin{array} {| l | l | l | l | l | } \hline \text { Product } & & \text { Recycling } & & \\\text { Yellow } & \text { Resale Revenue } & \text { Revenue } & \text { Processing Cost } & \text { Disposal Cost } \\\hline \text { Part A } & \$ 5.21 & \$ 3.54 & \$ 2.18 & \$ 0.88 \\\hline \text { Part B } & \$ 5.14 & \$ 5.66 & \$ 2.48 & \$ 1.97 \\\hline \text { Part C } & \$ 0.97 & \$ 0.71 & \$ 0.35 & \$ 0.31 \\\hline\end{array} Product  Yellow  Part A  Part B  Part C  Resale Revenue $5.21$5.14$0.97 Recycling  Revenue $3.54$5.66$0.71 Processing Cost $2.18$2.48$0.35 Disposal Cost $0.88$1.97$0.31

On Sep 22, 2024

 Product Blue  Resale  Revencling  Processing  Revenue  Revenue  Cost  Disposal Cost  Part A $5.25$3.68$1.01$2.48 Part B $8.78$4.37$1.04$1.07 Part C $2.13$0.92$0.14$0 Total \begin{array} { | l | l | l | l | l | } \hline { \text { Product Blue } } & \text { Resale } & \text { Revencling } & \text { Processing } & \\ & \text { Revenue } & \text { Revenue } & \text { Cost } & \text { Disposal Cost } \\\hline \text { Part A } & \$ 5.25 & \$ 3.68 & \$ 1.01 & \$ 2.48 \\\hline \text { Part B } & \$ 8.78 & \$ 4.37 & \$ 1.04 & \$ 1.07 \\\hline \text { Part C } & \$ 2.13 & \$ 0.92 & \$ 0.14 & \$ 0 \\\hline \text { Total } & & & & \\\hline\end{array} Product Blue  Part A  Part B  Part C  Total  Resale  Revenue $5.25$8.78$2.13 Revencling  Revenue $3.68$4.37$0.92 Processing  Cost $1.01$1.04$0.14 Disposal Cost $2.48$1.07$0  Product  Resale  Recycling  Processing  Yellow  Revenue  Revenue  Cost  Disposal Cost  Part A $5.21$3.54$2.18$0.88 Part B $5.14$5.66$2.48$1.97 Part C $0.97$0.71$0.35$0.31 Total \begin{array} { | l | l | l | l | l | } \hline\text { Product } & \text { Resale } & \text { Recycling } & \text { Processing } & \\ \text { Yellow }& \text { Revenue } & \text { Revenue } & \text { Cost } & \text { Disposal Cost } \\\hline \text { Part A } & \$ 5.21 & \$ 3.54 & \$ 2.18 & \$ 0.88 \\\hline \text { Part B } & \$ 5.14 & \$ 5.66 & \$ 2.48 & \$ 1.97 \\\hline \text { Part C } & \$ 0.97 & \$ 0.71 & \$ 0.35 & \$ 0.31 \\\hline \text { Total } & & & & \\\hline\end{array} Product  Yellow  Part A  Part B  Part C  Total  Resale  Revenue $5.21$5.14$0.97 Recycling  Revenue $3.54$5.66$0.71 Processing  Cost $2.18$2.48$0.35 Disposal Cost $0.88$1.97$0.31 Blue: $16.16 + $8.97 = $2.19 = $3.55 = $19.39
Yellow: $11.32 + $9.91 = $5.01 = $3.16 = $13.06
Blue is the best at $19.39