


How can educators correct multiply controlled behaviors or transfer of function?

A) establish rigorous experimental control over long periods
B) have multiple observers test a hypothesis
C) generate and test additional hypotheses
D) restart the testing process

On May 28, 2024



Though not technically considered mass mediums, the telegraph and the telephone dramatically influenced the way we communicated with each other and gathered information.

On May 24, 2024



In typography, what is leading?

On May 21, 2024

In typography, leading (pronounced "ledding") refers to the vertical space between lines of text. It is the distance from the baseline of one line of text to the baseline of the line above it. The term originates from the days of hand-typesetting, where thin strips of lead were used to separate lines of type in the printing press, hence the name "leading."

Leading is an essential aspect of text layout as it affects readability and the overall aesthetic of the printed page or screen. If the leading is too tight, it can make the text block look crowded and be difficult to read. Conversely, if the leading is too loose, it can disconnect the lines of text, making it harder for the reader's eye to move from one line to the next.

Leading is typically measured in points and is often larger than the point size of the font itself to allow for adequate space between lines. For example, if the text is set in 12-point font, the leading might be set at 14 points. This would provide 2 points of space between lines, in addition to the height of the characters themselves.

In digital typesetting, leading is often referred to as "line spacing" and can be adjusted in most word processing and graphic design software. Proper adjustment of leading is crucial for creating a comfortable reading experience, whether in print or on a digital screen.


Mr. Cutlip places Kevin in time-out for hitting Paul. If Kevin's aggression subsequently decreases, then time-out can be viewed as:

A) reinforcement
B) shaping
C) punishment
D) negative reinforcement

On May 17, 2024



The ____ is designated by a straight vertical stem with no arrow on it.

A) Selector Switch
B) Pushbutton
C) On Button
D) Motor Stator

On May 14, 2024