


What was the downside of defense industry jobs that provided health benefits?

A) The benefits were rarely sufficient.
B) Defense industry healthcare programs did not allow the choice of a doctor.
C) These programs reduced pressure for labor unions for a national health insurance system.
D) Defense healthcare programs work along the lines of socialism.

On Jul 16, 2024



Define acculturation and explain whether it was a successful strategy for the Cherokee.

On Jul 11, 2024

Acculturation is the process by which a group of people adopt the cultural traits of another group, often as a result of prolonged contact or colonization. This can include changes in language, religion, customs, and social structures.

For the Cherokee, acculturation was not a successful strategy. In the 19th century, the United States government implemented a policy of forced acculturation on the Cherokee and other Native American tribes through programs such as the Indian Removal Act and the establishment of Indian boarding schools. These efforts aimed to assimilate Native Americans into Euro-American culture by eradicating their traditional ways of life.

The Cherokee were forced to abandon their traditional practices, including their language, religion, and social structures, and adopt those of the dominant white society. This led to the loss of their cultural identity and the disruption of their communities. The Cherokee also experienced significant loss of land and resources as a result of these policies.

Ultimately, acculturation was not a successful strategy for the Cherokee, as it resulted in the erosion of their cultural heritage and the displacement of their people. Despite these challenges, the Cherokee have persevered and continue to work towards preserving and revitalizing their traditional ways of life.


By the Spring of 1776 the Second Continental Congress changed its focus to include

A) the possibility of independence from Great Britain.
B) the probability of resolving their issues and compromising with Great Britain.
C) the possibility that the colonies would declare independence from each other.
D) the probability that all other European countries would join their cause.

On Jun 13, 2024



NSC-68 ____________________.

A) cautioned that a rapid arms buildup by the United States might actually cause the Soviet Union to become more aggressive
B) warned that the Soviet Union and North Korea were conspiring to invade South Korea
C) presented evidence that the Soviet army was preparing to invade Western Europe
D) called for a much larger U.S. military budget as a response to the expansionistic communist regimes in China and the Soviet Union

On Jun 10, 2024



Henry Ford paid good wages to attract skilled laborers.

On May 14, 2024



Which of the following enabled city dwellers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to live in greater comfort and safety?

A) Indoor plumbing, central heating systems, and the adoption of public health regulations
B) The increased use of coal-burning stoves
C) Pollution control legislation
D) Government financing of low-income housing

On May 11, 2024