


Most spells of unemployment are short, and most unemployment observed at any given time is long-term.

On Jul 09, 2024



Opponents of land nationalization argue that private ownership

A) allows rent to function as an efficient allocation mechanism.
B) is fair in terms of equalizing income distribution.
C) follows the natural order of things in society.
D) is consistent with detailed government planning for land use.

On Jul 06, 2024



The majority of medium to large Canadian firms use performance appraisals.

On Jun 09, 2024



What would you say to a co-worker who made the following statement: "I'm happy the company is going to adopt flextime. I'll be able to come and go as I please"?

On Jun 06, 2024

Forget it; flextime is a nice accommodation to individual schedules, but not that nice! True, employees under a flextime plan have some flexibility as to exactly when they arrive at and depart from work. However, everyone must be at work during a specified core time. If employees could just come and go as they pleased throughout the day, it would be hard to get anything accomplished.


On March 15, Monroe Sales sells $9,525 on account to Garrison Brewer with terms of 2/10, n/30. The cost of merchandise sold was $6,905.
(a) Journalize the sale and the recognition of the cost of the sale.
(b) On March 20, a $125 credit memo is given to Garrison Brewer due to merchandise that was the wrong color. Journalize this event. The cost of the returned merchandise was $65.
(c) On March 25, Garrison Brewer submits payment in full. Journalize this event.

On May 10, 2024

(b)  Accounts Receivable-Garrison Brewer 9,334.50 Sales 9,334.50 Cost of Merchandise Sold 6,905.00 Merchandise Inventory 6,905.00\begin{array} { | c | c | c | } \hline \text { Accounts Receivable-Garrison Brewer } & 9,334.50 & \\\hline \text { Sales } & & 9,334.50 \\\hline & & \\\hline \text { Cost of Merchandise Sold } & 6,905.00 & \\\hline \text { Merchandise Inventory } & & 6,905.00 \\\hline\end{array} Accounts Receivable-Garrison Brewer  Sales  Cost of Merchandise Sold  Merchandise Inventory 9,334.506,905.009,334.506,905.00 (c)  Customer Refunds Payable 122.50 Accounts Receivable-Garrison Brewer 122.50 Merchandise Inventory 65.00 Estimated Returns Inventory 65.00\begin{array} { | c | r | r | } \hline \text { Customer Refunds Payable } & 122.50 & \\\hline \text { Accounts Receivable-Garrison Brewer } & & 122.50 \\\hline\\\hline \text { Merchandise Inventory } & 65.00 & \\\hline \text { Estimated Returns Inventory } & & 65.00 \\\hline\end{array} Customer Refunds Payable  Accounts Receivable-Garrison Brewer  Merchandise Inventory  Estimated Returns Inventory 122.5065.00122.5065.00 Cash 9,212.00 Accounts Receivable-Garrison Brewer 9,212.00\begin{array} { | l | l | l | } \hline \text { Cash } & 9,212.00 & \\\hline \text { Accounts Receivable-Garrison Brewer } & & 9,212.00 \\\hline\end{array} Cash  Accounts Receivable-Garrison Brewer 9,212.009,212.00


If the spot rate for Swiss francs is $.6658/franc and the six month forward rate is $.6637/franc, the market is indicating that the Swiss franc is expected to:

A) strengthen relative to the dollar.
B) weaken relative to the European currency.
C) lose value relative to the dollar over the next 6 months.
D) gain value relative to the dollar over the next 6 months.

On May 07, 2024