


In each of the following sentences, a blank space appears where a verb should be. Select the letter of the correct helping verb and past participle form. Marina's mother ____ her diary more than once.

A) has readed
B) has read
C) have read

On Jul 10, 2024



Study the body of each of the following paragraphs. Then, select the letter of the topic sentence that is most accurate. Select the best topic sentence for the paragraph.
It dates back to ancient Egypt, when players tried to knock down pins by rolling a ball made of stone or wood at them. One historian claims that Germans were playing the game by 300 A.D. By the Middle Ages, bowling had become so popular that in 1366, England's King Edward III banned the sport because it was distracting his soldiers from archery practice. English, Dutch, and German settlers all imported different variations of the game when they immigrated to America. Today, almost 70 million Americans go bowling every year, making it the most popular participatory sport in the United States.

A) Bowling has long been a popular game all over the world.
B) Bowling is a lot of fun.
C) Bowling balls have changed a lot over the years.

On Jul 08, 2024



Each of the following groups contains one correct sentence. Select the correct sentence from each group. Which sentence is correct?

A) Ms. Forsythe's employer installed a telephone in her car so he could always reach her; but, she rarely answers the ring.
B) Ms. Forsythe's employer installed a telephone in her car so he could always reach her, however she rarely answers the ring.
C) Ms. Forsythe's employer installed a telephone in her car so he could always reach her, but she rarely answers the ring.

On Jul 07, 2024



Select the letter of the word in the sentence that is a look-alike/sound-alike error. Accept for Julio, everyone here has been to Miami.

A) Accept
B) here
C) been

On Jul 06, 2024



The following sentences form a paragraph. For each one, select the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence is free of mechanics errors, select "Correct."
Children of the Kindertransport
Foster families saved 10,000 lives in the Kindertransport, a single flame against the sea of human ignorance.

A) Capitalization error
B) Title error
C) Quotation error
D) Punctuation error
E) Correct

On Jun 14, 2024



The topic sentence below is followed by a brainstormed list of possible ideas for a paragraph. Decide which ideas support the topic sentence and should be kept and which ideas should be dropped. Select "keep" or "drop" for each idea. Topic sentence: Gilberto learned how to play the trumpet, but it took a long time.
His older sister teased him for his horrible playing.

A) Keep
B) Drop

On Jun 07, 2024



What kind of paragraph or essay is required by each of the following questions? Select the letter of the correct answer. Explain why muscles become sore after strenuous exercise.

A) define
B) discuss causes
C) compare

On Jun 06, 2024



Read the paragraph below and then answer the questions that follow by selecting the letter of the correct response.
Many young people don't bother to register to vote, and those who do often don't show up at the polls on Election Day. But they should. Why? There are good reasons for every eligible young person to vote in every election. First of all, people ages eighteen to thirty should vote because many of the biggest issues affect the nation's youth. Wars in which young soldiers are dying, education funding, employment and job training programs, and reproductive rights are just a few of the issues that are affecting the lives of young people right now. Young people should help to select government representatives who share their views on these matters. When this country's youth don't vote, they don't have any influence on how these issues are decided, and they allow older people to decide how things will work. Plus, an individual who chooses not to vote really has no right to complain about government decisions he or she doesn't like. Being able to vote is a precious gift, one that no one should take for granted. Many people have fought and died so that all Americans would get and keep the right to participate in a democratic government. To honor their sacrifice, all of the young people in America should register, vote, and make themselves heard!
The subject of this paragraph is

A) voting.
B) American youth.
C) elections.

On Jun 04, 2024



Identify each of the following statements as true or false.
Facts and statistics from outside sources must be documented, but direct quotations do not have to be documented.

On Jun 03, 2024



Below is a source followed by passage(s) from student papers. If the student has summarized, directly quoted, or indirectly quoted the source correctly, select "Correct." If you believe the source is incorrectly summarized or plagiarized, select "Incorrect."
"Human communication depends largely on signs in the form of written or spoken words, images, or gestures. These symbols are conscious and explicit representations of reality ⎯ of objects, actions, and concepts in the world around us. But there is another aspect of symbolism that is equally important though less explicit: the side that relates to our inner psychological and spiritual world. Within this inner world, a symbol can represent some deep intuitive wisdom that eludes direct expression."
⎯ Fontana, David. The Secret Language of Symbols .
San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1993: 9-10. Print.
Student version: David Fontana says that symbols serve two important purposes. They function as signs that help us communicate with one another, and they also help us understand inner wisdom that is difficult to express. Fontana claims that this second purpose is as important as the first, but I'm not sure I agree. Symbols seem much more critical as a communication tool (9-10) .

A) Correct
B) Incorrect

On Jun 02, 2024