


XYZ Corp. has a calendar year end. On January 1, 2019, the company borrowed $5,000,000 U.S. dollars from an American Bank. The loan is to be repaid on December 31, 2022 and requires interest at 5% to be paid every December 31. The loan and applicable interest are both to be repaid in U.S. dollars. XYZ does not hedge to minimize its foreign exchange risk. The following exchange rates were in effect throughout the term of the loan:
 Jaruary 1,2019 US $1= CDN $1.1500 December 31,2019 US $1= CDN $1.1490 Decernber 31,2020 US $1= CDN $1.1485 Decerrber 31,2021 US $1= CDN $1.1483 Decermber 31,2022 US $1= CDN $1.1487\begin{array} { | l | c | } \hline \text { Jaruary } 1,2019 & \text { US } \$ 1 = \text { CDN } \$ 1.1500 \\\hline \text { December } 31,2019 & \text { US } \$ 1 = \text { CDN } \$ 1.1490 \\\hline \text { Decernber } 31,2020 & \text { US } \$ 1 = \text { CDN } \$ 1.1485 \\\hline \text { Decerrber } 31,2021 & \text { US } \$ 1 = \text { CDN } \$ 1.1483 \\\hline \text { Decermber } 31,2022 & \text { US } \$ 1 = \text { CDN } \$ 1.1487 \\\hline\end{array} Jaruary 1,2019 December 31,2019 Decernber 31,2020 Decerrber 31,2021 Decermber 31,2022 US $1= CDN $1.1500 US $1= CDN $1.1490 US $1= CDN $1.1485 US $1= CDN $1.1483 US $1= CDN $1.1487 The average rates in effect for 2019 and 2020 were as follows:
2019: US $1= CDN $1.14932020: US $1= CDN $1.1487\begin{array} { | l | c | } \hline2019 : & \text { US } \$ 1 = \text { CDN } \$ 1.1493 \\\hline 2020 : & \text { US } \$ 1 = \text { CDN } \$ 1.1487 \\\hline\end{array}2019:2020: US $1= CDN $1.1493 US $1= CDN $1.1487 What is the amount of interest expense (in Canadian Dollars) recorded for 2020?

A) $249,920
B) $250,080
C) $287,175
D) $287,250

On May 14, 2024



How are economists not like mathematicians, physicists, and biologists?

A) Economists do not use models to represent the real world.
B) Economists do not try to address their subject with a scientist's objectivity.
C) Economists do not devise theories and collect and analyze data in an attempt to verify or refute their theories.
D) Economists cannot run lab experiments in the same way that other scientists can.

On May 14, 2024



A contract must be between parties who have ________ to contract.

A) knowledge
B) capacity
C) resources
D) intention

On May 11, 2024