


Countries with the highest level of per-capita GNI tend to generate a large percentage of GDP from agriculture production.

On Jul 20, 2024



Discuss how the different theories of motivation can be integrated to explain the relationships between motivation, job performance, and job satisfaction.

On Jul 17, 2024

First, for individuals to obtain rewards they must achieve designated levels of performance.Performance is a function of motivation as well as other factors, such as personality, general cognitive ability, emotional intelligence, understanding of the task, and chance.Perceptions of expectancy and instrumentality (expectancy theory)influence motivation.Individuals direct their effort toward a particular first-level outcome (expectancy)and increase the amount and persistence of effort to the extent that they believe it will result in second-level outcomes (instrumentality).Goal setting theory indicates that specific and challenging goals that people are committed to, as well as feedback about progress toward goal attainment, will have a positive effect on motivation.Goal specificity should also strengthen both expectancy and instrumentality connections.Motivation will be translated into good performance if the worker has the levels of general cognitive ability and emotional intelligence relevant to the job, and if the worker understands the task.If these conditions are not met, high motivation will not result in good performance.Second, a particular level of performance will be followed by certain outcomes.To the extent that performance is followed by outcomes that fulfill individual needs (need theory)and are positively valent second-level outcomes (expectancy theory), they can be considered rewards for good performance.In general, the connection between performance and the occurrence of intrinsic rewards should be strong and reliable because such rewards are self-administered.On the other hand, the connection between performance and extrinsic rewards might be much less reliable because the occurrence of such rewards depends on the actions of management.Third, to the extent that the rewards fulfill individual needs (need theory), they will be motivational.However, in accordance with self-determination theory, intrinsic rewards will influence autonomous motivation, while extrinsic rewards will influence controlled motivation.In addition, the rewards that individuals receive are also the outcomes of equity theory and will be used by individuals to form perceptions of equity.Perceptions of equity also influence motivation and job satisfaction.According to equity theory, individuals in a state of equity have high job satisfaction.Individuals who are in a state of inequity experience job dissatisfaction.In addition, good performance leads to job satisfaction if that performance is rewarded, and job satisfaction in turn leads to good performance.


The board of directors' fiduciary duty to a company means they have assumed a position of trust and confidence that entails certain responsibilities.​

On Jun 20, 2024



In the context of globalization, which of the following statements is true of research and development (R&D) ?

A) Over the past decade, international companies have started spending less on R&D.
B) Although R&D spending is increasing everywhere, it is decreasing most rapidly in Asia.
C) In the United States, nearly 70 percent of R&D is funded by businesses.
D) Over the past decade, international companies have moved their R&D from locations around the world back to their corporate headquarters.

On Jun 17, 2024



An asset can be disposed of by all of the following except:

A) Discarding it.
B) Selling it.
C) Exchanging it for another asset.
D) Donating it to charity.
E) Continuing to use it after it is fully depreciated.

On May 21, 2024



__________ provides a snapshot of the financial condition of the firm at a particular time.

A) The balance sheet
B) The income statement
C) The statement of cash flows
D) All of the options are correct.
E) None of the options are correct.

On May 18, 2024